The Cankle Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree – IOTW Report

The Cankle Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree

Ya, ya, I know she just had a baby. But look at those things. She can turn a vineyard into a winery in 2 stomps.



The Clinton’s are actually throwing some optics together to suggest that they are America’s royalty. They seem to be consciously channelling Kate Middleton.

HT/ Finai

52 Comments on The Cankle Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree

  1. Wait…was that Kate link there when I commented above? If it was, I didn’t see it…

    It twas. That’s what the tipster sent in. I just wanted to focus more on those Hillary 2.0 legs. -bfh

  2. That dress- such an awkward choice for the occasion. Too short and too flimsy. Looks like it would fly up in a breeze. They had to be trying to be “Middleton” but her dazed and confused hubby forgot to wear a matching blue garment.

    The optics would have been better if she wore a pink dress since Kate had a boy- and Chelsea had a girl.

  3. I’m no fan; but, this woman just had a baby and I think she looks great! She has a typical case of “postpartum puff,” and probably should have worn something less revealing. Who cares? Truly, I think this is the best photo that I’ve ever seen of her.

  4. Newsflash! lofos, we don’t have American royalty. Royal pains in the a** like the Clintons – yes, but no royals.
    Chelsea looks ridiculous. The Clintons have no shame.

  5. I’m no doctor, nor do I play one on TV.
    But, something looks wrong with her (besides the obvious).
    Those piano legs aren’t normal…looks like serious water retention.

    And why haven’t they shown the “baby’s” face?
    Is it that bad?

  6. I’m not a Clinton fan but….she did just have a baby so I do sympathize with the way she looks.
    You men should keep your smart remarks to yourself….you’ve never had a baby.

  7. I’m sure that the Clintons think of themselves akin to the Kennedy’s. The upside is there is a whole lot less of them but don’t kid yourselves this Chelsea kid is being groomed for political office and there are enough drones and hanger-on’s that support them that it is possible.

    Having said that, the Bush family needs to take a walk off the political and public stage else risk being accused of the same thing. Frankly I don’t care whether GHW Bush parachutes on his birthday and I sure as hell would rather his wife keeps her opinions to herself and that Jeb just leaves politics for at least another two presidential cycles. Follow GW’s example.

  8. I think she refers to them as ’empowered’ ankles. And no, we men have never given birth but we have seen women from other cultures who have. Using a newborn as a ‘gain sixty pounds through sugar indulgence’ voucher is a purely American phenomenon. Her weight is not coming off. Book it.

  9. “You men should keep your smart remarks to yourself….you’ve never had a baby”

    Why? because you women never make smart remarks about the physical appearance of men…..ever?????

    I may not have had a baby, but my wife did….six in fact and NEVER once looked as bad as this. In fact, after six kids she still looks awesome at 5’7″ and 124 pounds.

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