The Case For a Barbara Lagoa Nomination – IOTW Report

The Case For a Barbara Lagoa Nomination


She is Cuban-American, from a state where the Latino vote is critical. She is the daughter of Cuban refugees, which makes for a compelling life story. She helps lock down Florida. Her Latino background might even marginally help Trump elsewhere. She is 52 (almost 53)—young enough to serve for another 30-35 years. She has also been vetted over and over. What are the odds that Democrats will unearth that a 52-year-old mother of three girls is a secret member of a satanic sex cult?

Opposing Lagoa would put “pro-women” identity politics-obsessed Democrats in a bind. They will be rabidly and uncompromisingly attacking a very accomplished, highly qualified Latina woman for the sole reason that she was nominated by Trump. I also believe that any polls today showing that voters prefer Biden over Trump to nominate the next justice are little more than piffle over abstractions. 

Once there is a specific nominee—a highly qualified one—who checks off the right demographic boxes, Democratic opposition will seem like unprincipled opportunism and rank hypocrisy. How believable will Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) or Senator Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) hysterics against a Cuban-American woman sound? 

Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) remains a wild card. Romney is a small man, unworthy of the trust placed in him by Utah voters (and, eight years ago, by the rest of us). He is no doubt itching to piss on Trump’s parade, even if it means a loss of a Supreme Court seat, perhaps forever. Does he care about being remembered as a quisling by all Republicans, possibly forever? Who can say? It will require a virtuoso-like performance by McConnell to keep Romney marching to the same drumbeat.


ht/ marco

15 Comments on The Case For a Barbara Lagoa Nomination

  1. Once again, Trump shortlisting her is another brilliant move. If she gets the nod from him this week, it will put the left between a rock and a hard place…..again thanks to DT. Their schemers are likely already working on a script and prepping actors to launch another hoax. Maybe she got sent home for wetting her pants in kindergarten.

  2. Help me out here…Does Mitch McConnel have the power to hand out committee assignments? Does he have anything to do with office spaces? If so, he should be on the phone to every GOP senator right now saying, “You either support the nominee or next term you’ll be off that prestigious defense committee and will be serving on the committee that overseas sewage treatment plants. Your office will also be relocated to one of the suburbs, have fun with that daily drive in. Oh, and by the way, you will no longer receive a penny from the Senate reelection committee.”

  3. Just as I predicted that Dementia Joe would never pick Kalamity Harris for his Vice Presidential running mate, because his handlers were not that stupid; I’m sure President Trump will pick this young, healthy, wise beyond her years Latina to replace the finally dead Ginsburg.

  4. No, she says she will recuse herself on religious issues. Don’t need another woman justice who’s decisions will be based on bleeding heart emotion and hormones, and she isn’t a naturalized citizen. Also if Rubio is endorsing her then that should be a death blow. No more fucking women!!! No more fucking greasers!!! We need a strict, WASP male, constitutionalist to fucking bury Roberts bullshit. Gotta start playing hardball.

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