Doug Ross, the author of this piece, wants to make it clear that he would still vote for Trump if he beats Cruz. But he strongly prefers Cruz to Trump, and this is why —
Doug Ross, the author of this piece, wants to make it clear that he would still vote for Trump if he beats Cruz. But he strongly prefers Cruz to Trump, and this is why —
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But, but, but…wall…build…Mexico…pay…Canada!
The last 4 questions give this away as a hit piece. What about H1B1s. How about Obama’s trade deals? How about the Tariff on China. Trump is the only Nationalist running.
Trump is a fuck you vote. He is not a professional politician.
The GOPe , and their friend Soros, are sure spending a ton of money commissioning these hit pieces!
The closer we get to Iowa the more desperate they have become. Can almost smell the putrid sweat running down their cowardly and duplicitous spines!
Facts = Hit pieces.
Straight from the clinton/obama play book.
Must be a right wing conspiracy………
Agreed. It’s a smear job SO immature, the tone of it (i.e. so-called “criteria”) seems like it was created by a vindictive, bitchy teenage girl.
Very little new or of merit there.
If we aren’t up to competing, nationalism may delay the end game.
Myself, I know we can compete.
Before obungle California, even being a weak liberal state, on it’s own produced more than China. Less than 50 million producing more than a billion.
The problem is not deals with other countries, it is the parasite here that is sucking the lifeblood out of productive people and handing it to the lazy.
No deal with another country will end that.
Maybe I have missed something, but I have not heard Trump address that issue.
I trust Cruz. I don’t trust Trump. Never did like Trump, worse than that – I have always been annoyed by the guy until recently when it got entertaining to see him make leftist heads explode. Not saying I won’t vote Trump in the General election, if that looks like the best bet at that time.
What he said about Pamela Geller was a big red flag for me. Pamela is one of the fairest, most freedom-loving women that I know of.
That’s my wheel house. I don’t want Free Trade, I want Fair Trade. And you know what, we win every time.
Are you a libertarian?
I know they don’t like trump
Sorry for the off topic.
The reply button is gone from discussions after the original post, but somehow people (brad in this case) are able to insert into the conversation.
I may be dense, but I can’t figure out how it works.
Some browsers work some don’t
Gaaa! I feel like I’m quietly going insane. It’s come down to two lousy choices, three if you count the Commie.
Cruz: A Canadian-born transplant who has a billionaire hedge fund owner who put money on two horses to ensure he could avoid tax fraud and has teamed up with Glenn Beck and David Barton. Can you just see Glenn Beck on the red phone??!
— OR —
Trump: A billionaire narcissist who will turn the WH into Trump Acres (replete with mirrors and 24 karat gold AF1), who will sleep with his daughter in the Lincoln bedroom, hire “thousands” of illegal aliens to keep the south lawn and make the first day of each month a national holiday tribute to all his favorite wives.
I don’t know. But if I go by all the “news” I’m getting from the internets these days, the Commie is looking good. At least I know for sure, then, that the revolution is on its way.
I made a special deal with management. I’m the only one that has it. LOL
with your Trump comments about ‘what will be’ I believe you’ve completely jumped the shark … unless you’re just kidding……
I don’t care if y’all like it or not, but:
I would vote for:
But I Will Not Vote For Donald J Trump!
No, I am not a “team” player. Trump is an 9′ person going full speed at that 8′ 11″ bridge. He’s gonna hit it thinking the bridge will loose, and that ain’t gonna happen! I’m not gonna be any part of it.
(that extra “o” was for you Biggie)
If that question is supposed to be addressed to me, no I am not a libertarian or a member of any political party. I always try to vote for the least corrupt so I can retain as much of my freedom as possible. I hate politics, politicians, and lawyers. And people who try to push me into some political category.
You missed a couple on that list. Hillary and Sanders. Figure it out!
very ‘sophomoric’ on Mr. Ross’ part …. I thought better of him …I was wrong
I got rid of the reply button, but Bad_Brad got it put back. I detest that button!
Brad rules this site it seems.
(LOL, HAHAHA! BawHawHawwhawwahhaa!)
Sanders was on my list dumbass.
Molon — I was just kidding!! I was trying to reflect back some of the lunacy that has hit the internets like a tsunami this week. Actually the Cruz stuff is a little more accurate than the Trump stuff, but it seems we’ve come to a juncture where both candidates are sounding like drek you wouldn’t invite to your garage sale. It’s way bad. Way, way, way bad! Look at Menderman’s comment, above! Wow! What started out as Trump/Cruz, Cruz/Trump is now something else altogether.
Capulets and Montagues will soon be admonished as the corpses of their children are laid to rest.
So bad.
Sorry John S, that was meant for Bad_ass_Brad…
Sanders was on my list dumbass.
Well Menderman I’ve sworn off name calling here so have fun. But you are correct you did include Sanders. That speaks volumes. And after reading your posts since I got here I can believe that. You always seem to fall on the “States” side of things.
Levin will stand by his conservative principles and endorse the best candidate based upon facts and research of their history and stance on domestic and national policies.
More should do the same…… I’ll vote for the candidate that shares and have acted upon true conservative principles. He must talk the talk and have a public track record of walking the walk.
I left my principles and good sense at the voting both when I voted for mccain and romney for President…(please accept my apologies)……Never again.
I don’t want a liberal prom king or a progressive populist who is perceived to be a frontrunner and the “only” candidate that can win.
I want a leader with conservative principles and a documented conservative track record.
Choose your candidate as if the life of this nation depends upon it.
It surely does, “if” you adhere to conservative principle. Don’t be swayed by progress political pundits and snake-oil salesmen.
Choose the best candidate based upon their record and stance on issues.
actually, the Cruz stuff is a ‘bit more accurate’ in that it ‘has’ happened, still happening…. the Trump stuff is posted as what ‘will’ happen, so it’s pure, waaaaaaaay over-the-top speculation …. but I catch some of what you’re throwing
I find the Cruz-Beck connection VERY disturbing
I think BFH should do a 99 minute radio show with Pinko, Bad-Brad, Magnum, Cato, Menderman and one more Trumpster and Uncle Al as moderator. Let’s fight it out live for all of iOTWr to hear!
Who’s with me!?
Let’s get ready to rumble!
Levin just got busted. Turns out his kid I’d finance manager for Cruze. Fuck him.
Levin stated he will vote for Trump if Trump is the nominee.
He has also stated he will vote for Cruz if Cruz is the nominee.
Will you do the same as Levin? …. I pledge that I will
Jesus, got it Menderpman.
Get a job already.
Our side, The Pink One, Chief, AA, Me. Pick your 4. Let’s get it on.
ooooooo pick me! pick me! I’m game!! Should be good for a few laughs.
@ Brad
What do you mean by saying “states”?
And fugit, who cares about name calling? I’m just being Trumpesgue.
The States, Big Government.
YES! Vote for the conservative that has the best chances of winning! And Trump is not, and never has been a conservative.
Do you really see me as a person that approves of the “State”?
ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, I will vote for the last person standing with an R behind there name. Including Jeb. Far far better than the communist on the other side. You better talk to Menderman. He has other plans.
Jeb!/Kasich 2016!
I really hate that stupid “reply” box! I have to leave the page to git rid of who I just replied to or it automatically replies to my last reply. What friggin womyns studies major came up with that format?
I haven’t been able to use the Firefox browser for iotwreport for weeks now.
Bad scripts but nobody on the site seems to care.
I tapped you AA.
Do you really see me as a person that approves of the “State”?
Answer your own question. Are you willing to vote for Sanders? That’s what you said. You know the guy that wants to take 90. % of your income and redistribute it equally between the population. Really? Obviously this guy’s head and shoulders above Trump.
If it comes down to Trump V Bernie, I will vote for Bernie. That ensures a Conservative for 2020.
If it is Trump V Hillary, I’m going to Mars.
Love the hit pieces on Trump FROM CONSERVATIVE WEB SITES but when pushed, say that they will vote for Trump if they have to.
“Trump SUCKS. He’s EVIL. He’s NOT a Conservative. He’s the ANTI-CHRIST. He kicks puppies. Eats dead babies. But I will vote for him if he wins.”
WHY GIVE THE LEFT MATERIAL for the General Election?
You’re ANTI-Trump tirades HELP HILLARY and BERNIE!
The views and opinions expressed on this web site by Mr. Pinko are soley Mr. Pinko’s.
These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of, BFH, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.
I saw this earlier today on BadBlue, but I don’t know whether to believe it or not because it cites “sources close to both campaigns” but no actual campaign confirmations. So, take it with a grain of salt until you find out for sure.
“Top Ted Cruz Activists Jumps Ship….Joins Donald Trump Campaign”
@BBrad …. I’m holding my powder on Menderman, hoping he’ll come around about his delusional thoughts about voting for the drooling, food-spitting Communist in the typical Communist bad suit….. the same type of thinking that got us two terms of the Obamanation
Yes, Brad, I am fully prepared to vote for Bernie. Bernie is a lunatic fringe with no foreign support. He has no lobbyist on his side. If he is elected, he is a lame duck starting 1/21. He is a dead fern nobody watered on the resolute desk. What can he do to this country with not a single soul with influence on this planet that got him there? He is what we need…a feckless humpback begging for attention and nobody cares.
@ Mr. Pinko:
Can I get any clearer than that?
The views and opinions expressed on this web site by Menderman are solely Mendeman’s
These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of, BFH, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
Menderman accepts the fact that he may be banned at a moment’s notice.
Menderman, I’ve read your comments sense I started here and respect everything you say. But you’re dead wrong on this. We won’t last another cycle with a communist at the helm.
I’m using Firefox right now.
Now, that’s funny!! And you may be on to something. It surely couldn’t be worse than what’s going down in D.C. right now. And given each of the Truz, Crump campaign supporters’ descriptions of each other, it might even be an improvement!
O.M.Gosh!! we’re still laughing!! I’ve just pasted this comment to my bookmarks — You’re a great writer, Mr. M. Epic. Truly.
Thanks for the laugh!
ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, Mendermans not stupid, I believe he will make the right desicion. I appreciate your position brother.
@Menderman, you can’t be serious that you would vote for a 4 year lame duck. We need a strong course of action right now, treading water is not the answer!
Kenny you need to pull that comment to the side and repost it every now and then, that is a Iotw classic. Its getting heated here and you know that we all will come back together after all this madness has passed , the last seven years have been a real bitch. Your Iotw friend , G the Saltine.
We banned Bernie Sanders.
@ Joe6pak:
Yes, I am dead serious. I would vote for Bernie if it comes down to Trump vs Bernie.
I am looking at the long road.
I was a libertarian. Voted for the candidate that was least intrusive in our lives most of my adult life also. And i am anti-establishment. Have been for decades. I dont trust politicians, (have some in the family) i am suspicious of all lawyers (have some in the family) I wont vote for a lawyer/politician. I respect Trumps business acumen, and see him as the best bet to correct this shit. Wall first, economy second. After that, its a breeze.
You’re for Trump. You just don’t know it yet
The views and opinions expressed on this web site by Mr. Pinko are soley Mr. Pinko’s.
These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of, BFH, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.
Anybody watch Megan Kelly tonight? Holy shit a full on Rino attack on Trump. Including that fucking turn coat who decided to follow her boss into the flame Dana Loecsh. And the blonde bimbo teenager from the Tea Party. I guess you can tell when your over the target by how much flack your catching. Quite a day, first Levin and now Dana. The rats are exposing themselves.
There’s passion and then there’s unhinged. I LOVE Levin but Levin is getting unhinged and turns out he has family relations working for Cruz.
Conflict of interest there.
The views and opinions expressed on this web site by Mr. Pinko are soley Mr. Pinko’s.
These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of, BFH, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.
Jiminy Christmas Menderman, I’ll bet a $100.00 that if it came down to it you would vote Trump over The Bern. It sure is hard to imagine that we have gotten to this point in this great country that a communist would get the vote from a capitalist because we don’t like the capitalist.
The LOOK of PANIC on ALL of them was PRICELESS!
We can finally RAT-FUCK the ESTABLISHMENT and now you see the cowards that want to continue POLITICAL BULLSHIT.
I HOPE TRUMP LANDSLIDES the NOMINATION. If not and Cruz wins – I’m still happy.
I am sitting in the cat bird seat.
The views and opinions expressed on this web site by Mr. Pinko are soley Mr. Pinko’s.
These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of, BFH, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.
yeah, the lineup was pretty impressive. Thomas Sowell, Andrew McCarthy, Brent Bozel, Katie Pavlich. So hard to say they are all nut jobs. I really understand their last stand — but it is redolent of Custer. No way right now to figure out what is driving their zeal; the ones on air were talking in rhetoricspeak. I’d much rather hear someone like McCarthy give his reasons and not as a group. I stopped listening to Loesch one day when she started in on some sophistry. There’s a nasty story on her going around about law suits and what not concerning Breitbart, etc. Man, it’s getting to a point that I’m thinking all this bruhaha is about so-called conservative leaders’ egos and who is the king of the hill. The candidates are secondary.
“I guess you can tell when your over the target by how much flack your catching.”
LOL. Ted Cruz coined that phrase, didn’t he?
D’OH !!!
Pinko I can’t believe Dana followed her boss onto the looney bin. She’s a big 2A advocate for all gun people. She should have stayed out of the fray. Levin was predictable. To big of fucking hollyier than thou mouth. Fuck that ass hole.
One thing about me, I don’t mind being called “crazy” or worse. What I care about is my Daughter and Grand Daughter having a Great Country. I have been aware of Trump for many years. I’ve watched him praise President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama and many others. I have seen him switch positions depending on who is doing what. As y’all are very well aware, I am perfectly willing to piss off my best friends based on my core principles for absolutely no cash exchanged. I am not running for office seeking your vote nor asking you to support my candidate, I’m just sticking to my values. I actually believe Bernie is more honest than Donald. Yes, Bernie is dumb as a rock, but he has no desire to better himself on my back. Trump made his billions bribing government to get his way. Do I vote for stupid or evil?
Tough choice? Not for me.
“LOL. Ted Cruz coined that phrase, didn’t he?”
That’s pretty damn funny. Except that phrase was coined before you and I were born. Preacher man just borrowed it. If any bodies catching flack tonight it’s Trump. Turn on Fox. The establishment is shitting their collective pants. So much for Trump being the establishment candidate I guess.
Come on, Mr. M. Evil? Really? How can you compare Donald Trump to someone like barack obama — I know you didn’t make a direct comparison, but he has been the standard of evil by many. We think of ISIS and jihadis as evil. Please don’t apply that term to someone who really does love America and Americans. He’s not evil. Please rethink what you’re saying. It’s not right.
Menderman. You’re fucking crazy. Me too. But neither one of us is stupid. Fuel up the SS Minnow. You and I need to spend a day on the water together.
@menderman, like you I believe Bernie is honest in the sense that he is saying what he believes. He genuinely and honestly believes that it is the role of government to take everything it can from you, under the pretense of doing so for the public good. Trump is different than that. Trump/Cruz, either one.
#TeaPartyForTrump – the Tea Party is alive and well and FOR Trump!
Abigail, if you have an hour or two tomorrow, just Bing Trump. Just watch the videos, not what others say, just watch what he says. Killing babies is cool, eminent domain is even cooler!
Look at his face as he is praising Hillary and Bill!
Watch him push for single payer.
Look in his eyes when he says Obama is a great President.
Do it.
After that, come back here and tell me how he is a better choice than a near dead hunchback.
(One thing I just thought about that could change my mind…he could Pick Squaw Warren as his veep….ugh! I’m moving to Mars if that happens…)
That certainly is an interesting perspective. ZOMPOTUS. Term at Bernie’s (weekend at bernie’s). Bernie the only POTUS elected with the mandate to merely breathe. Bernie, the revenge president.
Do you really think it is a conflict of interest with Levin or was none of this even an issue until trump started to totally divide the party with all this birther and personal loan shit owned by the banks? My business has bank accounts and loans through a few banks am i owned by them, No. Levin is the reason i am a principled conservative so i may be a bit bias but cruz was my choice regardless.
It seems all trumps answers and either pandering or the go to answer that he will find the best people. Either way I would vote for a pile of dog shit over any democrat choices, but splitting the party up is not what we should be doing right now and Levin is right about that.
Hey Matt, Levin was on a big ass witch hunt about some candidate trying to “shut him up” until some body exposed his dumb ass. Then he dropped that line like a hot rock. I hope it was somebody in the Trump camp. Us conservatives don’t need anymore disappointments. As far as I’m concerned the guys just been exposed has just anther establishment hack. Look it up.
I feel the same way Miss Adams. I hope we pick the right person.
Why would you not vote for the person who pools the highest?
Soon Trump will be over 51%
Maybe you should go into hiding again. You scare easily.
I hate you too Menderman
You’re insane pal. And idiotically naive.
Levin… Establishment…. ?
If Trump can stop the “Invasion” and the whole sale give away of our country, then we can start to fix the rest.If not the rest won’t matter.
Sorry but that brush in your hand is waaaay to broad. I’m a libertarian and even agree with most of the Libertarian platform ex-open borders. And I have no problem voting for Trump or Cruz.
I do think Trump has a far better chance of winning that Cruz though and I do have issues with Cruz’s so called “poison pill” re H1B visas.
And Cruz
Headline: Donald Trump Calls for Amnesty
Story: Trump said Republicans should block immigration reform because 100% of any new citizens created by immigration reform would be Democrats.
Blocking immigration reform is amnesty? I guess I’m confused.