The Cattle Are Becoming Restless – IOTW Report

The Cattle Are Becoming Restless

The Burning Platform: My pre-emptive ear tagging is generating favorable responses – including the entire staff of a business I do business with, who asked for ear tags of their own to wear when they saw me wearing mine! Also from random strangers, including a nurse (and her daughter) I met at the grocery store, who was wearing a mask – but (she told me, in between peals of laughter – and sadness) only because her friends wouldn’t speak to her otherwise.

She needs new friends.

But she loved the sentiment conveyed by the ear tag and we talked for several minutes about the Sickness Psychosis that is afflicting exponentially more people than the Coronavirus.

In my area, at least half the people you see are mask-wearing – as opposed to the less than one-half of one-percent of the population of my state (and country) who’ve been Corona’d.

Oh, but that’s because people are wearing masks!

The flaw with that assertion, of course, is that most weren’t – at least in my state – a month ago. Which is ironic, given that now it’s very clear that the bodies aren’t stacking up like cordwood.

The lies dissipate; the fear lingers.

32 Comments on The Cattle Are Becoming Restless

  1. There are some good reasons to wear a mask, but being ordered to do so isn’t one of them. I live in an area (SW Florida) filled with retirees; old people. They are more susceptible to serious problems if they catch the WuFlu because of their age. A lot of them are frightened, perhaps more frightened than they ought to be, but still frightened. When I go to the grocery store I have no desire to add to their unease, so I wear a mask and gloves.

    But it isn’t a regular mask, but instead a black balaclava covering my whole head except for my eyes, the same kind bank robbers and jewelry store smash’n’grabbers wear. I was just a bit leery the first time I wore one, but the actual effect on the other geezer shoppers was opposite of what I thought it might be. I get smiles! And I’ve even gotten a few positive comments about it.

    If I can get a few grins from my fellow geezers then I call that a plus.

  2. We have to wear facemasks to go into stores now here in Michigan. It’s not supposed to go into effect until Monday but my local grocery is already denying entry without one. Luckily my sister has been sewing them like crazy so I drove out there to get one. She dumped a basket out on the table containing a variety of masks in pastels, floral prints and other patterns. I took a couple of yellow ones which kind of surprised her making her ask why yellow ones. I went over to the kitchen counter by her phone and grabbed a sharpie and proceeded to make smiles on them. She chuckled and understood.🙂

  3. O.K. so basically it’s legal for me to use my cattle prod in public now.

    Also, why is Michigan so fugged when all the other Canadian provinces seem to be doin’ fine.

  4. That’s because old men don’t rob stores, Uncle Al. 😇

    In western Washington, there have been a slew of young masked robbers who start out acting all nice and then turn on their clerks. 😠

  5. @MJA – thanks for that link to TBP. Great site and that graphic as their banner is something else. I tend to wonder if the platform was saved or does it fall into the ocean?

    Yeah, @Uncle Al – I get ya, I only really wear to make other people comfortable, and if I cannot get into a store when there is a sign ” no mask, no entry”.

    Mary H was at the grocery store just yesterday, small one in the small town we live in, standing there on line and she saw a guy TAKE OF HIS MASK TO SNEEZE!!!

    “Beam me the hell up Scotty NOW, THERE IS NO SIGN OF INTELLIGENT life down here”.

  6. Canada’s entire population is 1/10 of our own, that’s why. With the exception of three Canadian cites over 1 million in population it’s mostly trees, rocks and lakes. Ottawa is the only large city in Canada that has the designation as a popular place to live and they don’t even have a million residents. If it were not for the snowbirds that drift into Florida every winter we wouldn’t know any Canadians at all.

  7. So glad to be a Georgia boy. I spent a lot of 2019 wearing a mask while with my wife at her leukemia chemo. She’s in complete remission now, thank God, but we are done with masks, except for her blood tests and biopsies, to which I am no longer allowed inside, thanks to Chinavirus. We had our big, real crisis last year in private. We are participating as little as possible in this current, fake public crisis.

  8. @mickey moussaoui — Side note about those snowbirds: I love ’em! Yeah, here in Sarasota County we permanent residents are prone to gripe about the heavy traffic during The Season, but not I. Why? They bring their checkbooks and credit cards, and use them at local businesses!

  9. “Canada’s entire population is 1/10 of our own”


    Canadians don’t even know how to breed. I should visit there and give free demonstrations.

  10. Our liberals are fanatics about masks and gloves. Conservatives just roll their eyes. A young liberal informed me that conservatives were going to die because we’re too stupid to comply. “Zatso? Know how many extra Los Angeles liberals have killed themselves this past month? 800. And I’ll bet they all wore masks and gloves.”

  11. Ghost and Jpm. Whatfinger News links to them every week and Powerline also. Both sites have good blogers that put out good stories that most don’t.

  12. I just figure you can differentiate the compliant cattle from the defiant ones by whether or not they are wearing a mask.

    Around here, for the most part, about 1 in 5 are among the defiant.

    But in the end, we’re all just cattle. At least from the viewpoint of our self proclaimed owners.

  13. We did note it is actually nicer to shop in our grocery store with the limits and probably 60-70% in my town now wear the mask since the cdc and then our town city council gave the strong recommendation. Those of us without masks give the obligatory nods like we are in a secret club. I love her idea, maybe next week. And Abbott better stick to his guns about not making a mask mandatory in Tx. It is now starting to be 90 daily, can’t be comfortable at all.

  14. My Aunt lives in a senior apartment building. They were just reopened to visitation after being under quarantine there for 21 days. They had 2 cases with one being a fatality. The buildings solution was to protect the workers. All residents have to take their own garbage out instead of being able to put in designated area for removal as was done in the past and maintenance should only be called for serious issues such as water leaks or electrical malfunctions. The manager of the building, when she does show up, keeps the door locked to the office and will only talk on the phone or yell through the glass. I’m trying to get my aunt to come stay with me until this boils over but she doesn’t want to give up her independence. I took her dog for a long walk today. The first it had been out in 3 weeks. Thought the poor little girl was going to fly away she was so excited. I wore mask and gloves the whole time I was in building just to reassure any tenants I came across. Many other visitors did not.

  15. And when I go to the grocery store and see 60-70% in masks I think of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer wouldn’t wear the AIDS ribbon on the walk. You won’t wear the mask, why will you not wear the mask! Insane.

  16. OH, these low-lifes have held sway over us for FARRRRRR too long.

    I refuse to wear a mask as a show of solidarity to those that know it is worthless plus it is a statement to the ‘powers-that-be’.

    It is the susceptible that need to be quarantined, NOT the healthy. I mean NO disrespect to the susceptible, (my brother is one), but being real about this so-called crisis is critical.

    A simple peanut can kill some people, that is no excuse to remove ALL peanuts from those that gain healthful benefits.

  17. Aaron Burr
    “Canadians don’t even know how to breed. I should visit there and give free demonstrations.”

    I’ve done that in my yute.
    The young ladies were very appreciative.
    The young men?
    Sorry, I didn’t ask.

  18. For craps sake, Prim. NO ONE has successfully invaded Canadaland up the St. Lawrence. There’s like….cliffs and junk all over the place with Frenchmen standing on them taunting people.

    Besides, we’re not planning on staying permanently this time. Just spreading some genetic material around and then cutting out before we’re hit with child support.

  19. Do any of you have any idea of just how friendly the faces are on the cows in the picture for this thread?

    I have to move these guys out of the way sometimes to do my job. I do so gently. I speak to them quietly and calmly, and they mostly let me go about my business. Unless they are longhorns, then I get out some shit to get them along because them transplanted bitches will kill you for coming into their pasture.

  20. I do, Lowell. My parents raised poled Herefords. Like friendly, sleepy pet dogs they were. And they all had name tags and would come to the fence if you called them. I used to scratch their faces and talk to them. They appreciated it, especially if I brought corn husks.

    And “Charlie’s” liver was the best of all. 😀


    No…no…. you’re right. Me and Lazlo need to head up there more like Dean and Jerry and less like Gengis and Attila.

    I dunno….. I can shave for this gig. Don’t know about Lazlo…. pretty sure his beard is to cover hideous facial scars….


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