The CBO Made A 24 Million Person Mistake When It Scored Obamacare – IOTW Report

The CBO Made A 24 Million Person Mistake When It Scored Obamacare

DailyCaller: The Congressional Budget Office said Monday that the White House-backed plan to repeal and replace Obamacare would result in an estimated 24 million more uninsured people by 2026.

The CBO previously overestimated the amount of people who would gain private health insurance due to Obamacare by the exact same number — 24 million.

The Weekly Standard reported that soon before Obamacare’s implementation in 2013, the CBO said that 201 million people on average would have private health insurance by 2016. The CBO downgraded that estimate to an average of 177 million people last year — a difference of 24 million people.

Monday’s new CBO score comes after harsh criticism by the Trump administration about the nonpartisan outfit’s record.  more

16 Comments on The CBO Made A 24 Million Person Mistake When It Scored Obamacare

  1. I don’t trust the CBO or the federal government exercising unconstitutional control over the nation’s healthcare.

    Name one major program the federal Government has extracted from the Free enterprise system, that has been implemented with our tax dollars, that was not rife with higher taxes, waste, fraud and corruption.

    DON’T replace it, REPEAL Obamacare.

  2. It would appear that we have another worthless bureau in Washington DC.! Who knew a thing like that could happen in such a selfless, patriotic and humble city full of modest, sacrificing and civic-minded heathens??

  3. The CBO scoring is a garbage-in, garbage-out calculation.
    If Congress tells CBO to assume that ObamaCare will reduce the deficit by $120 billion (and they did), then the CBO has to include that assumption in their scoring.

  4. The one right the federal government has here is to even the playing field for interstate competition. Hopefully that would mean ending insane state regulations that require people to carry and pay for insurance for odd ball things like substance abuse etc.

    The real key to lowering the cost of healthcare is the complete elimination of third party payers and the end of all laws that prohibit open competition between healthcare providers. It’s against the law for most healthcare providers in this country to advertise prices or list menus with prices etc.

    It would be a painful four or five years but the market would absolutely settle lower as the providers could only charge what people could actually pay. Let private charities handle the rest.

  5. Damn, this democrat owned piece of shit just won’t flush and it’s because not a single plunger can be found in the whole “F”ing cesspool known as Washington DC. First we gave these bastards the House, next the Senate and finally they got “OUR” trifecta. What do we get? As usual once again fucked. Thanks for allowing me to vent.

  6. The old Mad Hatter Bernie Saunders said that deductions have gone up too high under Obamacare but that people would die under Trumpcare. Au Contraire insane Bernie I checked the Obits in my local paper this morning and there were 15 deaths listed. Since we are still on Obamacare it must have killed 15 people in my community in one day!

  7. But seriously, the number of insured will drop by the millions as soon as people are nor required by law to buy it. ‘Ya know, like it was before.
    (not an original thought)

  8. Simple questions:

    How many people do not have health insurance under Obamacare, right now? Real numbers, not obama skewed numbers. Without the stupid excuses of ‘estimates’. REAL NUMBERS!

    Then add to that the number of people EFFECTIVELY, without health insurance, due to the snake pit of Obamacare. Again, REAL NUMBERS!

    I’d also like the REAL numbers of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS sucking the life-blood from American funds, because they are adding to the misery and high costs of health insurance for American citizens

    ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have infiltrated every portion of financial help; health, welfare, food sustenance, rent subsidies, education and etc, that the American taxpayer HAS PAID for through payroll, property, sales, regulation rules, and or future retirement benefits, (like social security, Medicare), ALL PAID FOR OVER THE WORK LIFETIMES OF AMERICAN WORKERS.

    I am tired of America being bashed by liberal idiots. If you want oppression, a welfare government, a job ASSIGNED TO YOU, living quarters ASSIGNED TO YOU, the government deciding on your worthiness for medical help, go to CUBA! Or put on your burka and go to Iran or any other that PEOPLE are FLEEING to invade AMERICA!

  9. The CBO is just another partisan agency full of people that probably have never done anything outside a university or think tank. If we just repealed this nightmare and deregulated the industry it would fix itself and that is the only way it ever will be fixed to yield the lowest prices for the best service.

  10. I’ve done work in the CBO – they’re a bunch of paranoid, schizophrenic, dick-twizzlers. Total fukkin propagandists without a shred of integrity, honor, honesty, forthrightness, integrity, or integrity.
    Did I mention that they have no integrity?
    Read any of their shit from decades past – none has ever come close to reality – but both parties (Bolshevik and Menshevik) trot out their crap whenever it’s convenient.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Last night on the ‘news’ they said 14 million would see their premiums go up.
    Yeah? Like the 14 million getting subsidy who won’t be after the replacement?
    It takes a common core math expert to figger that out?

  12. I have zero trust in the Fake News Media and most (if not all) governmental agencies. They are both utterly corrupt, leftist in ideology, or incompetent (or all three simultaneously).

    They would have better luck in their projections with a Ouija board or a dartboard.

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