The CBO Says Biden’s Spending Bills Will NOT ‘Cost Zero Dollars’ – IOTW Report

The CBO Says Biden’s Spending Bills Will NOT ‘Cost Zero Dollars’

Trending Politics: As the negotiations of President Biden’s massive pork-filled reconciliation bill slowed to a crawl, the administration pivoted attacking the estimated costs causing the delay.

Just as the Obama administration aggressively pushed known lies; Americans would be able to keep their doctor and families would save $2,500 per year on Obamacare, the Biden administration has been insisting their massive multi-trillion-dollar spending bill would actually cost ZERO dollars.

Biden doubled down that $3.5T reconciliation bill will add ZERO to the debt. more

7 Comments on The CBO Says Biden’s Spending Bills Will NOT ‘Cost Zero Dollars’

  1. If you look at the federal income tax tables from last year and this next year taxes, at least ours, are going up about 2%.
    So already none of this is costing us $0.

    They can’t tax the rich enough to cover the cost of their spending sprees.
    Every tax in the country will go up besides income tax.
    You watch, next year they’ll start pushing for a national sales tax.

  2. “They can’t tax the rich enough to cover the cost of their spending sprees.”

    Tax the rich? Tax anybody, what’s the fucking difference. They’re injecting trillions of dollars into our economy that have been conjured out of thin air.

    These dollars weren’t earned.
    These dollars weren’t risked.
    These dollars weren’t saved.
    They weren’t exchanged for actual goods or services.

    Every fairy dust dollar added to the trillions already sloushing around devalues the ones you hold now.

    It begs the question, why even bothering taxing us if almost half of our budget(HAHAHA) is exchanged Xs & Os with The Fed and other central banks? The answer is to encourage behaviors TPTB deem necessary.

    These rotten scumbags have destroyed our economy while building up wealth for themselves to unimaginable amounts. And where our our “elected” representatives? Good one. The average net worth of our DC scum is $11M. gee and on a salary of less than $200K-guess they really must be pinching those pennies.

    Here’s a comment I came across today. Now it was in reference to the Rittenhouse trial but as you see, it has some wide applications…

    Beans says:
    November 16, 2021 at 12:04 am

    It’s an either/or situation if Kyle is found guilty (the Chauvin trial proving that cops are guilty of a violent offender’s self-inflicted death) of murder for defending himself.

    Either go totally silent, run away, hide, never ever ever ever react or defend yourself or your people.


    Furk them all. Go for broke. Gonna take out one? Take them all out. Go on a full-blown killing spree/vendetta/bloodletting that would make even a commie blush in shame. Kill them all, God will know His own.

    One skateboarder or head-kicker or pistol-armed idiot amongst a pack of hell-bound rioters and looters comes to attack you? Kill the attacker, kill the people supporting the attacker, kill the rest of the burn-look-murder group. Kill the ones on the front lines. Kill the ones in the back passing stuff forward. Especially kill the ones holding the cell phones up and who are calling the shots. Kill. Kill. Kill. Why not? What’s the worst they can do to you? Give you 20 death penalties that will take 30-40 years for the courts to work out all the appeals and issues. 30 life-sentences? Gee, past a certain point, what does it matter?

    What matters is if they make self-defense illegal, then who cares. Take everyone out. Go down the local lefty enclave and pop the judges, the prosecutors, the city commissioners, the mayors, the teachers, the lawyers, pop everyone. Get the doctor who called for the vaxx. Get the nurse who wouldn’t admit a loved one because they were unvaccinated. Pop everyone who’s supported all the wrong decisions in the last 40 years. Biden bumperstickers, BOOM. Hillary stickers or Obama stickers? BOOOOM BOOOOM BOOOOM. FBI agent? BOOOOM. BATFE agent? BOOOOOM and burn with fire. DEA? BOOOM. TSA? BOOOM.

    Past a certain point, what can they do to you? If they’re going to hang you for self defending, then they might as well hang you for everything else.

    They don’t understand that the concept of self defense is the last thing holding the (to them) great unwashed idiot inbred flyoverists and red staters from just saying “Copulate this” and expending a lot of their personal horde of freedom seeds and flammable objects.

    Screw it. Gonna kill the rule of law? Then you’d best be ready for a lot of righteous killing.

  3. The goal is to crash the economy, to “Build Back Better”. Even if the taxes don’t go up, they will bleed us dry from the bottom. None of this will effect welfare recipients, only those who work for a living.
    As fuel price continue to rise, foreign energy companies showing record profit. Some of which, they have stock in.
    Food prices increasing, record profits for the companies supporting this.
    The election results are to be before the SCOTUS before Thanksgiving, probably to late.
    “Build Back Better” is code for “America Last”.


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