The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has told airlines they can deny boarding to passengers who are exhibiting symptoms of the Ebola virus – IOTW Report

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has told airlines they can deny boarding to passengers who are exhibiting symptoms of the Ebola virus


In guidelines issued by the CDC, the health body also says airlines should separate infected passengers who display signs of the virus during flights from other flyers.

“People who have been exposed to Ebola virus disease should not travel on commercial airplanes until there is a period of monitoring for symptoms of illness lasting 21 days after exposure,” the CDC said. “Sick travelers should delay travel until cleared to travel by a doctor or public health authority. Airlines should consider using their own authority…to deny boarding of sick travelers if Ebola is suspected.”

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12 Comments on The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has told airlines they can deny boarding to passengers who are exhibiting symptoms of the Ebola virus

  1. Wonder WHY the infected Americans just HAD to be returned here for their “continued treatment” and also WHY the UN/WHO hasn’t demanded total border closure for affected countries in Africa??? Have also wondered why it’s never been policy for international travelers to have to provide a 7 or 14 day blood test screening (obviously screening for potential pandemic carriers)before departing for other countries.

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