The Certain Mind Is A Closed Mind – IOTW Report

The Certain Mind Is A Closed Mind


There is a trap that we see the left fall into time and again, that is when they believe their own data to the point of being incapable of challenging it. While we’ve enjoyed watching their models and statistical structures fail in the face of reality, their insistence on mistaking the results they want to see with scientific review has the potential to cost us all in numerous ways.

Bret Stephens first column in the NYT Here

7 Comments on The Certain Mind Is A Closed Mind

  1. I dunno, The Climate Change agenda is a scheme to make a handful of people even more money than they have. They gave a “Conclusion” to a bunch of weak mind Lib Robots and told them go find facts that justify this.

  2. The correct word to describe what’s talked about in the article isn’t ‘certainty’, it’s ‘intransigence’.

    Their (the left-wing) intransigence is what prevents them from utilizing logic to learn from their mistakes. That is why good will always defeat evil. And that is why they lose.

    THAT, I’m certain of. 😉

  3. I could be wrong, but (see what I did there?) Stephens seems to be a warmist simply trying a different tactic to ram the global collectivist authoritarian control agenda down my throat.

    He does make a good point about models: they don’t forecast but rather they project (and unlike the author I mean “project” both in the time series data analytical sense and in the pathological/psychological sense).

  4. One thing I’m pretty certain is Science is not ever settled.

    Any motherfucker who tries to tell me science is settled will be honored to see my back moving away, the other choice is my fist moving towards at an accelerating rate.

    Take gravity for instance. You drop something and it falls. Settled? HELL NO it’s not settled, but the left will go run around like children, “I know stuff falls when I drop it, SETTLED.”

    What is the rate in which it falls? What is the atmospheric pressure, the ground underneath, forward movement, latitude, altitude, moon phase, particulate,… and so many more variances. NONE of these enter on the radar for the left.

    Except when it comes to sticking a sex organ in what may or may not be perceived as a sex organ. THAT science is up for EXPANSION in accordance with the left. “How Many Things can we Fuck?” an expanding scientific reference, “a number one seller,” Prog Post. Rosie O’Donnell cites, “A must have subscription.” Ricky Maddow, “I love finding new holes.”

  5. So the climate is changing. Big deal. It has changed constantly since before the dawn of Mankind, and it will continue to change after our species has come and gone.

    The hubris of certain men is to think that:

    A. We caused it (or helped cause it),


    B. We can do anything of significance to stop it.

    This is not the first time that the Earth has warmed up, or cooled down, or that people have worried about it. About 40 years ago some scientists were predicting that we could be headed for another Ice Age. I’ve got the National Geographic magazines to prove it.

    When it comes to climate, there are forces at work here that dwarf human comprehension. Someday maybe people will realize this, but not as long as opportunists like Al Gore are able to get rich by scaring people unnecessarily.

    So we’re pretty much stuck with it, right?


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