The Champions of the Little People Whoop It Up With the Richest Guy in India While People Starve in the Streets – IOTW Report

The Champions of the Little People Whoop It Up With the Richest Guy in India While People Starve in the Streets

Ariana Huffington, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Beyonce, these are just a few of the jet set (global warming not a concern for these hypocrites) that attended the wedding of the daughter of the richest guy in India.

India is a country with a caste system where extreme wealth and poverty is glaring, where the people in the lower caste have no opportunity and no hope of upward mobility, yet, Kerry, Clinton and Huffington whoop it up at wedding with a price tag that could easily feed thousands who are starving in the street.

(India ranks worse than North Korea on the Global Hunger chart.)

Why would you set foot in India, excitedly flashing your pearly whites, in the presence of such economic injustice?

Here is Kerry and Hillary dancing at the wedding-

Avert your eyes a little, like you’re looking at an eclipse.

Here is Beyonce culturally appropriating Indian garb with nary a peep from Social Justice Warriors.

This image is courtesy of the execrable Daily Mail –>

The Daily Mail gets paid (see ad above) to urge people to culturally appropriate while they do stories about whiteys culturally appropriating.

Taking the left seriously is for chumps.

The left does not care a whit about the issues they yammer about in America. They just want power and enjoyment, the likes of which the little people, the people they claim to be championing for, will never see if the left implements their plans for central planning.

Trust me, the plan isn’t for you to go to mega weddings in India.


21 Comments on The Champions of the Little People Whoop It Up With the Richest Guy in India While People Starve in the Streets

  1. I smiled considering the wedding banquet was prepared and served by people who wipe with their hands, and don’t wash their hands.

    And I hope dancing fool Kerry ate two servings of everything.

  2. The richest girl in India.
    Yeaaah, but it’s still India. lol

    I’m OK with rich people. I’m not some anitfag, but damn,
    They invite filthy rich people who rail against rich people back home (LOL) and they don’t see the hypocrisy? WOW!

  3. I have nothing against rich people.
    I have deep suspicion, though, when the people who say “at some point you have enough money” are invited to the wedding of the richest guy in India.

    Somehow, he’s not only not afraid of them, he’s buddies with them.

  4. Ariana Huffington, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Beyonce

    Oh, c’mon … if it wasn’t for hypocrisy these people’d have no philosophical foundations whatsoever.

    The “little people” (not midgets; proletarians) are the dirt they walk on.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. India is a country with a caste system where extreme wealth and poverty is glaring, where the people in the lower caste have no opportunity and no hope of upward mobility

    That’s why we need unlimited “tech” visas. To show them America has a better way.

  6. Well, I’m SURE they all “plane ride-shared” so as to lower their carbon ass-print, right?
    J Dahmer – green crackers are a specialty there!
    As in, the color I turn when I eat Indian food!

  7. 60 years ago when I was in High school we had a term for the Bush/Kennedy Ivy League, “let them eat cake” folk – “Limousine Liberals” It was clear to me it was right. I think it still is right for the UNIPARTY. They do not, and never did, care for those other than the super rich.
    But the Press (as dishonest in ’48 as it is today!) told us how they”Cared for the little people>”!

    The French are in the process of taking down GWB’s buddy “Manny” , also a super rich liberal.

    Maybe Manny will spend his exile in Texas? if he lives.


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