The changing demographic in America is cause for concern – not the color of skin, the length of criminal rap sheets – IOTW Report

The changing demographic in America is cause for concern – not the color of skin, the length of criminal rap sheets

The left is destroying America. Their thirst for power necessitates that there be no delineation between a great American and a complete scumbag. When they say “people are all worthy and matter and are the same, ” they mean ” a vote is a vote is a vote.”  Who cares if it comes from a model citizen or feral savage? The only consequence to an open border is conservatism might lose at the ballot box. That’s all they see, that’s all they care about.

Washington Times

…it makes perfect sense that Ms. Ingraham, like a great many Americans, should worry that “[i]n some parts of the country, it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore.” Such fears are undeniably valid. Failure to act on the part of the state leaves politicians living in gated communities no worse for wear, for the average American, however, it means blood and tears.

But the ugly truth does not stop paper saints like Rep. Ted Lieu, California Democrat, from virtue signaling. “Dear Laura Ingraham,” Mr. Lieu wrote on Twitter, “I served on active duty to defend your right to make racist statements.”

It might shock Mr. Lieu to know that in 2006, experts estimated that gang membership in the U.S. military became disproportionately represented compared to the U.S. population; an estimated 1 percent to 2 percent of the U.S. military are gang members, compared with just 0.02 percent of the total U.S. population believed to be gang members.

Would Mr. Lieu like to guess which demographic is over-represented in terms of gangs with members in the U.S. military? Here is a hint: Of the 53 “gangs with members who have served in the U.S. military” listed by the FBI, more than 18 are Latino gangs — including MS-13.

If the military is a reflection of the society it serves, as one gang expert says, then Ms. Ingraham is right: Americans should be worried about the “massive demographic shift.” As America imports the culture of Latin America, the sort that has reduced Mexico to lawlessness and Venezuela to a socialist nightmare, then America will continue to increasingly resemble the sending countries of immigrants.

Laura Ingraham is right, a massive demographic shift is cause for concern in a country where so many of the elite class actively work to undermine a unifying American identity and our laws. Her courage is admirable and proves that Americans still have the right stuff necessary to defend this nation. America needs this sort of courage now more than ever to say what is right, and so it is my hope that patriots will rise to their feet to speak the truth the way she has. -Pedro Gonzalez, assistant editor of American Greatness.


10 Comments on The changing demographic in America is cause for concern – not the color of skin, the length of criminal rap sheets

  1. A couple of years ago this blog talked about the dangers of “diversity” as one of the Left’s tactics to tear down America. The more I listen to people like J. Peterson and the more I read about the Left’s tactics, the easier it has become to spot clear examples of how the Left seems to be winning — even now — against the great strides of our current Executive and his administration. There are so many ways, angles, to comment on the problem. The academy seems to be the most complicit because it is there that Americans who will be taking over the job of governing have had their minds terribly polluted with the Left’s lies.

    If you have a moment, read the latest Imprimus (July/August, 2018): “Does Diversity Really Unite Us?”, Erler. You can find it online. In his essay, Erler writes about Trump’s travel ban and the Leftist court’s reaction. It is particularly interesting because the court drags Trump’s motives into their decision. And there it is again: motives. But that’s just one interesting aspect of the essay. Well worth the read.

  2. I understand why Party members in good standing — and those who worship them, and those who wannabe — bunch their panties over those deplorables whom the Party has marked — in their permanent, Party record — as bad, bad xen. Maybe I can muster a “meh”? … Maybe not.

  3. The America we grew up in is gone forever and there’s no getting it back. The best we can hope for is to slow down the direction it’s trending.
    The schools are a nest of leftist indoctrination and few are raising hell about it. If we can’t get our arms around that then it’s just a question of time.

  4. As I’ve stated before, so long as we have the ability to vent and rant on these forums, there will be no change. We old school Americans (read white people) are to be relegated to the dust bin of history because of our fear of being labeled racist. Simply stating how amazing Western European history is or what awesome technology they have brought to humanity, we are lumped up in to nazis.
    Unless a no shite civil war erupts, we will be out-bred and replaced with 3rd world, moralless cultures and once we are a minority, we will be culled like in South Africa.
    Humanity will once again be plunged into a dark age for eternity.

  5. I don’t know, Organgrinder, I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I think the Achille’s heel to this to expose the academy (which I think is really starting to happen) for what it has become, and what a ripoff it is. We just saw two examples of colleges making big mistakes thinking everyone shares their radical viewpoints: Missou and Evergreen State college. In the aftermath of their splashy, national headlines, the result was lowered admissions and alumni contributions. In the case of Missou, the falloff was dramatic. When I listen to David Horowitz talking about how checked-out most college/university admins are when it comes to what their departments are doing, it helps me understand why colleges have been slow to respond to the radicalization of the humanities depts. And now, as those radical faculty progress into administrative positions, it makes it almost impossible to have any effect on what is taught and by who. So, the only real solution is to cut off a big part of their funding — from taxpayers through their federal funding. But I believe it can be done and I am hopeful. I can’t remember where, but I just read something this weekend about that very thing — defunding the beast.

  6. @organgrinder August 20, 2018 at 12:49 pm

    > The America we grew up in is gone forever and there’s no getting it back. The best we can hope for is to slow down the direction it’s trending.

    At least for one argument, pick a side.

    If the “America we grew up in is gone forever”, then there is no way to “slow down the direction it’s trending”. You can not prolong the life of the dead. You’re merely playing with the corpse.

  7. @AbigailAdams August 20, 2018 at 1:26 pm

    > I think the Achille’s heel to this to expose the academy

    The organization that sells titles for “Womyns Studies”, “Electrical Engineering”, “Underwater Basket Weaving”, and “(Pure) Mathematics”, sells the same rank of titles, through the same storefront, for the same price, and (thus) accounts them the same worth. You are not going to convince a Ponzi alumnus to declare xis, personal, STEM title, purchased from the same multilevel-accredited-marketing organization as the humanities en-titled AntiFa barista spitting in xis coffee (STEM don’t latte), that both their titles are equally worthfull. You can not even expect such a STEM alumnus to grasp why.

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