The Cheat is On – IOTW Report

30 Comments on The Cheat is On

  1. Would it be possible to post enough descriptive information about these instagram links so that I can search for alternate sources and not have to connect to a goddamned Meta pile of shit? I’m not asking for much, just a couple of keywords would be really, really welcome. Thanks.

  2. Here’s the background on her guest. He’s spent a fair amount of time, and has some deep pockets, investigating election integrity. Why do I think this a legit accusation? Because they could be running Rin Tin Tin for President right now with the same amount of enthusiasm. Somethings up. They’re to confident and we’ve been told by a ton of people that the invaders are getting Social Security Cards/Numbers at the border. They’ve polluted the voter rolls.

  3. @Bad_Brad — Thanks! Let me point out that it is IMPOSSIBLE to find with only that instagram link and nothing else. The title “How they cheated” and the name “Jovan Pulitzer” would’ve done just fine.

  4. yeah I thought that was “Jovan Pulitzer” and I’ve wondered what happened to him as he was very visible once a few yrs ago

    we will be working on this election for the next 4 yrs I’m afraid–but recently I read that someone in Georgia has filed a case or plans to–they have it down pat somehow, Dominion machines automatically add people when? something is triggered

    God help us!!!

  5. @Bad_Brad — I like Pulitzer, and I like Barr, but they take… so… damned… long… to… make… their… points.

    I guess I’m an eyeballs guy and not an eardrum guy. I’ll try to find a transcript of that show. I promise you it will take less than a half hour to read and absorb the material that the podcast needs more than three hours of talk-talk-talk to do!

  6. Uncle Al

    It finally grew legs and took off at about 30 minutes. After that it seemed fairly fast paced. The problem is if this is factual what are we doing to counter it? How do you get around compromised voter rolls. Especially when Eric Garland is already threatening people? Fun Fun

  7. There is no way to fight back effectively against voter fraud this late in the game. It’s baked in. Even legislation recently passed in a number of states will not be in play for the November election. Once you read the fine print you find that out. They had success with the plan in 2020 and under their plan of continuous improvement, it’s been greatly refined. Who’s fighting back? The media? The Republicans?

    The system is designed to be manipulated and it’s very important to remember that Republicans are A-OK with it. Nest feathering is no longer an art practiced by just a few, it’s the norm. They’re in it for themselves. Republicans know that they will still have a seat at the pig trough. A minor one but still enough of one to keep the moolah rolling in.

    Three choices.

    Prepare to go along. Zip your lip and you may not be led to the ditch with the guns at your back. At least not right away. Eventually your neighbor or co-worker will implicate you in something so that they can get a larger beet ration.

    Fight back with the understanding that to be even remotely effective means a complete and total change of your lifestyle. No home (or completely off grid with no record of you owning the property), no job, no business, no phone. If they can find you, they can eliminate you.

    Get out of the country and start over. But where? Where’s a safe haven where the long arm of the communist U.S. government can’t get at you?

    It’s reality check time kiddies.

  8. I’m taking notes. It’s a word game. Dominion systems run on usually Dell computers are not connected to internet, but you have to connect to a network to get it to work (the network IS the internet)
    Am I getting this right, “a word GAME” he said??? so far I”m at min. 54:00 and sticking with it. The commercials are driving me nuts!

  9. Stick with it Dee. As someone who watched it I’d be interested in hearing your opinion. I scrolled passed the commercials. I guess Roseanne needs to make a buck too. LOL.

  10. I’m at 2:00 and many notes getting tired.
    taking break now.
    It make take awhile for me to finish and go over notes.
    AND to understand it
    probably tomorrow sometime, I will return

  11. Dee, PS my take was everything the man aledged based on behavior of our enemies made sense. This isn’t really catching on with the community. If you want to discuss this offline FUR has my email address. He’s even been passing it out to ex girl friends. WTF? Sorry my attempt at sleep deprived humor. LOL

  12. PT in LaCross WI
    tempted to watch it but saw some of the one here in MI earlier
    I would love to correspond but not tonight
    think tomorrow will ask Fur TY
    first need to finish go over notes and hope to make sense
    when I try to summarize
    exhausted right now IDK how PT does it all

  13. Pultzer invented the QR code.
    He also said there were layers and layers
    of operating systems in the “Smartmatic machines”.
    He also discovered that Dominion machines
    were capable of counting fractional votes…..

  14. Here in Maine the Sec of State Shenna Bellows is having the Motor Vehicles Dept give them fake ss#’s so they can get illegal drivers licenses.
    They are getting registered to vote when they go to DHHS to apply for welfare.

  15. I finished it up and took notes.
    Will take some time to digest, but I recommend watching the whole 3 hrs!! A lot about the ballots and elections and what occurs, what happened to him in AZ, he does talk about requesting absentee ballots then going in to vote on election day–but there’s A LOT more specific details–like do not open that ballot you received in mail and what to do with it–watch the whole Roseanne episode with Jovan Pulitzer!!!! I need to go over notes maybe type then watch again maybe this weekend but not today. Not even ready to discuss yet.

  16. Go to 1:15
    The rob is in the mail-in ballots
    Stick with it until 1:35 where the AZ forensic audit explained
    1675 boxes ballets
    only 52 in sealed boxes

    There’s just a lot of detail
    at beginning it’s emphasized to remember its not about
    “voting machines”
    Dominion is an “election system”
    There’s a screen capture near the beginning about ImageCast
    I’m not even sure what to call that yet–this is why I can’t easily give you my ‘take’) But at that screen it says External Access: Customer has to provide a router with an external IP address. I am guessing that’s why Dominion didnt get in trouble–did they not?? Someone watch the whole thing and take some notes and help me out please!
    Later on it’s bad when he talks about the migrants getting driver licenses, SSNs, and the driver license bureaus being involved in voter registration. Anyone else watched it all?
    A lot of info and sorry to say it sounds bleak but also near end he tells what he thinks can be done. Take a look at the last hour everyone. I have to sign off for right now. Sorry not detailed enough and I don’t have a particular ‘take’ for you as I want to be as positive as possibly can. I have to go try to protect some squash from woodchucks, pick some pears, water, etc. Will look in later.

    Also I have recently seen a Michigan Secretary of State kiosk in my local Meijer grocery store and when I looked it up I saw that is a thing now in MI. I have not used one but I recall during Covid I had to do something at the local SOS office and we were made to use a kiosk there for our business. Seems like it asked if signed up to vote and there was a big box with an X already in it that you would have to remove if you are already registered like I’ve been for over 50 yrs. I was appalled!


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