The Chicago Sun-Times wishes you a peasant morning – IOTW Report

The Chicago Sun-Times wishes you a peasant morning

AT: In the Chicago Sun-Times Thursday morning, Phil Kadner exposes the gloomy but true condition of the liberal mind in postmodern America.  “Prepare the public for impeachment and get on with it” is soaked in bluster and paranoia.  Thinking himself a Platonic master in educating the public, Kadner provides insight as to the puny problems liberals wrestle with daily in their harrowing little lives.

“Why would anyone believe that Trump would allow himself to be fired by American voters?”

“How can anyone state without misgivings that Trump would not subvert the election process to protect his son, daughter and son-in-law?”

Such is the narrow channel of still waters our dog of a media paddle when pondering the implausible.

These rueful contemplations stem from a central meeting point that all liberals finally arrive at: if you are to be true to the Left, you must disdain fellow Americans and their choice for president.  Kadner is long experienced and has developed a style that on second glance confirms its initial impression of over-descriptive horridness, but read him anyway — a small dose won’t kill you.

There is such a putrid smell surrounding our nation’s capital, such a rank odor, that it should come as no shock the stench is emanating from the rotting corpse of American democracy.

Perhaps, this was inevitable.  Never in human history has so much power, so much responsibility, been invested in the peasants.

Peasants.  An offensive term for somebody considered ill mannered or uneducated.  A peasant is somebody who lives in the country — an agricultural laborer or small farmer.  According to Kadner, that’s you, and that’s me.  You and I freely associated with putrid smell, rank odor, and rotting corpse.

Would you care to share banter over a light supper with this little charmer?  more here


h/t Forcibly Deranged.

13 Comments on The Chicago Sun-Times wishes you a peasant morning

  1. So Mr. Kadner seems to wish that Americas’ Kulaks
    could be dealt with to silence their vote.
    Is he related to Mr. Durante of the NYT who covered
    for Stalins’ killing off millions of those bothersome
    peasants and his many other murderous purges?
    Could be.

  2. So Mr. Kadner seems to wish that Americas’ Kulaks
    could be dealt with to silence their vote.
    Is he related to Mr. Durante of the NYT who covered
    for Stalins’ killing off millions of those bothersome
    peasants and his many other murderous purges?
    From the way he writes, could be.

  3. I guess that we’re all Zeks now according to this morally superior ignorant bastard. Guess who grows the food and distributes it, it sure as hell isn’t you or your so called enlightened buddies who don’t want to get their hands dirty, that’s for us peasants and Zeks. Without us you starve, jerks.

  4. The way I read it..

    These are words that lead to war/genocide.

    Totally reject the other side, demonize, project something fearful to gel a loyal opposition willing to commit violence, even murder.

    What kind of response is necessary to stop forever someone that wants you removed from the Earth?

    (There is a single correct answer and a pop quiz on this is in your future if this s**t don’t stop)

  5. So, Phil Kadner thinks we are all peasants. Is that something like a peon (: a person held in compulsory servitude to a master for the working out of an indebtedness)? They don’t think too highly of us, do they?

    I worked with a guy who once called me a rube. Normally, at that time in my life (early 30s), I would have let it go. But I smiled at him as my face turned deep red. I walked right up to him, looked him in the eyes, kept smiling as I said, “You WILL NOT say that to me again”. He never spoke bad about me again.

    I was surprised because I nearly fainted thinking about what I did, since I was fairly shy back then (not like the sassy lady I turned out to be!).

    I tell you that because I think it’s about time that we have some sassy conservatives to stand with President Trump, look them in their faces and tell them to stop demeaning us. Do it with red faces because that WILL scare the bullies as they mess their pants!

  6. When my sister and I first saw “The Hunger Games”, we recognized it as an allegory for what happened in the 2016 Presidential Election (we are Canadian). The Districts are the conservative, productive middle of the country, while the Capital represents the decadent insulated large cities on both coasts. Here in Canada, I believe that there will be a secession of the Prairie Provinces away from Canada – hopefully to join the United States. We have more in common with Montana, the Dakotas and Wisconsin that we do with the rest of Canada, who despise our conservative, productive provinces.


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