The CIA’s Murder of My Uncle Was a Successful Coup d’état From Which Our Democracy Has Never Recovered- RFK Jr. – IOTW Report

The CIA’s Murder of My Uncle Was a Successful Coup d’état From Which Our Democracy Has Never Recovered- RFK Jr.


Censorship makes strange bedfellows.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. may be a controversial figure, although it’s not because he’s deviated from the Kennedy family’s politics and put on a MAGA cap. Instead, the prominent environmental activist became persona non grata on several social media sites during the COVID-19 pandemic because he’s also a prominent vaccine skeptic.

However, the nephew of assassinated President John F. Kennedy — and son of assassinated presidential aspirant Robert F. Kennedy — is praising Tucker Carlson, and not over questioning inoculations. Instead, RFK Jr. publicly lauded Tucker for a Thursday report on his Fox News show in which a source who had access to still-sealed government documents regarding the JFK assassination said the Central Intelligence Agency played a role in the 1963 slaying.

As Carson noted, the 1992 President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act, passed by Congress and signed into law, stipulated that all documents regarding the killing of the 35th president of the United States must be made public by 2017. That’s 54 years after he was shot and killed in Dallas, for those of you with a Common Core math education — enough time for some serious truth-and-reconciliation action, should some be needed.

Yet, due to intense pressure from Mike Pompeo, then the director of the CIA, thousands of pages remained withheld. Five years later, different administration, same results: The Biden White House blocked the documents from being released.


10 Comments on The CIA’s Murder of My Uncle Was a Successful Coup d’état From Which Our Democracy Has Never Recovered- RFK Jr.

  1. I think it was, the elites making a splashy worldwide example of what happens to you if you cross them. In this case it was for trying to abolish the Fed. Aka their enochian money scheme of creating huge wealth out of nothing. No, you don’t turn that off..

  2. I too thought we were a Republic,
    but corruption, Congress, the Biden Administration, overreaching unconstitutional laws, attacks upon the Bill of Rights, regulations, ever increasing taxes, lack of Government checks and balances, a corrupt, complicit 4th branch (the media), coupled with insurmountable government debt, 87,000 new Armed IRS agent, Corrupt DOJ, FBI, ATF, CIA, NSA and all of this topped off with corrupt local, state and national elections has caused me to think otherwise.

    This certainly is NOT the Republic envisioned and implemented by our Founding Fathers, that is,”IF” it’s a Republic at all anymore.

  3. I used to think better of Pompeo, but not so much anymore. He’s a deep stater through and through, and lately, I’ve been reading about a theory that covid was initially a bio-weapon unleashed on China, as well as Iran, and that Pompeo was deeply involved. I might have scoffed at this last year, but events have made me more open to persuasion. If Pompeo is involved, it can’t be good, and the CIA is probably at the bottom of it.


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