The Civil War in America is Already On – All That Remains To Be Seen Is How Violent It Will Get – IOTW Report

The Civil War in America is Already On – All That Remains To Be Seen Is How Violent It Will Get

HT/ Annie

11 Comments on The Civil War in America is Already On – All That Remains To Be Seen Is How Violent It Will Get

  1. Bring it, snowflakes.
    Gibbons are much better ambush predators than they will ever be.
    I will take ten of these bitches to Valhalla with me so they can fetch me Ol (ale) in between fights and feats of strength

  2. Sticks,clubs,knives,swords,hatches,axes,then guns.
    It’s going to be BRUTAL.All carefully designed by the
    Elite & NWO.Marshall law will be used to take away
    your guns.Yea I know I spent to much time at Western Rifle Shooters…

  3. The war began when Lucifer demanded equality with God.
    Each man has chosen one side or the other, ever since.
    This is but a continuation of that ancient animosity.
    Liberty or Tyranny?
    Self-Rule or Socialism?
    Freedom or Slavery?
    Life or Death?

    Pretty simple when you cut through the bullshit … just a shame that most (a lot of) people haven’t the capacity to cut through it, any more.
    The descent into the maelstrom isn’t gonna be half as bad as being engulfed in the maelstrom! Grab a rubber ducky, fellahs!

    izlamo delenda est …

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