‘The Cleaner’ – IOTW Report

‘The Cleaner’

CTH: There are ongoing consequential election battles taking place in multiple states that are far more urgent than my meager outlines; and it is not my intent to distract from the more pressing matters of our political surrounding. However, there is a strong possibility the current election events are symptoms of a larger battle within government.

You see, there’s a bunch of ‘unofficial’ evidence, or data-points, that no-one can explain how or why they came to be visible.  The data did not surface sequentially; but it surely surfaced purposefully from within the apparatus of government. Putting the evidence into a sequence that clarifies the picture is not easy. As a respected person recently shared:

“It’s almost like a separate discipline, sort of like textual forensics or document historiography; I don’t know how to describe it yet.”

In an earlier outline I shared the following questions:

  • How do we find out about the Mark Warner text messages?
  • Who publicly released the Carter Page FISA application?
  • Where did the four day flood of information (Dec 1st – 4th, 2017) about Lisa Page and Peter Strzok come from?
  • Who released that Page/Strzok information to the media?  Why?
  • Who made the decision not to indict James Wolfe for leaking classified information?
  • Why be so specific details within the Wolfe indictment; then dismiss them?
  • Who made the decision NOT TO redact the key FISC clerk stamp?
  • Where is all of this “unofficial” evidence coming from?

Well, here’s my answers.


9 Comments on ‘The Cleaner’

  1. (He’s a lil scary lookin’)

    Nah, Just a gym rat. But this guy, like Jim Jordan, could turn into a Honey Badger in a heart beat. LOL
    That why we need Jordan as minority leader. Both these guys are totally in sync with PDT.

  2. The documents, as I understand it, appeared on .gov web sites where lots of other unrelated documents are published. If it’s possible to ask what office was the source of a specific document, I’m sure you’d only see one tier up and that would be no help. What I’d really like to know (and I imagine so would sundance if he doesn’t already know) is ultimately who made the decision to publish/release? I wonder if Tom Fitton (Judicial Watch) could try a FOIA request. Not that I’ll get my hopes up.

  3. There is a torrent of advertising for the weasel McCarthy blasting on the airwaves. That tells me the cockroaches are behind him. I e-mailed my congressman and told him if he voted for him he’s lost my support.


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