The Clinton Foundation Was Never a Charitable Organization – IOTW Report

The Clinton Foundation Was Never a Charitable Organization

The foundation was set up to line the pockets of the Clintons.

If you watch this video you will conclude that the Clintons are completely screwed. But somehow they always skate.

As the investigator in the video said, this is not opinion, these are facts.

The facts are, the foundation is corrupt. They operated outside the rules of what the foundation was set up to do.

So, what is the IRS going to do with these facts?

ht/ hot salsa


16 Comments on The Clinton Foundation Was Never a Charitable Organization

  1. “How do we know one of Bill bitches wasn’t slipping shit into hillary’s med bottles or wine glasses.”
    She’s still walking by taxpayers money with secret service that hopefully will work out to be the same crew that was guarding JFK.
    I can wish,,

  2. “DUH!”

    Fukkin “MEGA-DUH!”
    Or “TERA-DUH!”

    We truly are a nation of idiots.
    That’s probably not fair. If we followed our Constitution, we wouldn’t have to pay so much attention to these maggots – electing honorable men, for instance, instead of greedy, grasping, corrupt, grifting criminals.

    “The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

    We have tyrants, aplenty.

    izlamo delenda est …


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