The Clintons are Grifters, and America is Their Mark – IOTW Report

The Clintons are Grifters, and America is Their Mark

WhiteHouseDossier: The Clintons are truly a pair of grifters, and the American people are their mark. They’ve used their positions at the highest levels of the government to make themselves multi-millionaires, as the latest batch of emails show.

Republicans take a lot of heat for Trump, but the Democrats have chosen nominate and defend a self-evidently corrupt individual, Hillary Clinton, to be their standard bearer. And right beside her in the White House will be her equal in the wages of sin, Bill Clinton. Once they have control of the government, the opportunities for financial enrichment of themselves and their friends will literally be unlimited.


It’s like electing Richard Nixon president when you know he is going to do Watergate. Was the hush money and the coverup worse than what we already know about the Clintons? Was it?  more

4 Comments on The Clintons are Grifters, and America is Their Mark

  1. Please keep things in perspective: the Clintons are simply more skilled and more ruthless at what many politicians are doing, too.

    I point this out not to lessen righteous condemnation of the Clintons, but to increase righteous condemnation of the rest of the crooks and megalomaniacs.

  2. And the blithering idiots in congress continue to obligate and allocate millions of dollars in taxpayer money yearly (over and above their federal pensions and benefits)
    to the obscenely rich and worthless batch of ex-presidents including, horndog Billy and soon will add B. Hussein Obonkers! You can look it up!

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