The Cold War Called, Joe – It Wants Its Foreign Policy Back – IOTW Report

The Cold War Called, Joe – It Wants Its Foreign Policy Back

The Federalist

In a speech that would have been appropriate for the bipolar world in 1962, President Joe Biden called for an alliance of democracies to face off against tyrannical forces across the globe. This is a misreading of current geopolitics, which is not predominantly binary, but multipolar. The world we inhabit is qualitatively similar to the post-Napoleonic world of 1820, with one predominant but overstretched great power and several other powers jostling for space, influence, and interests.

Biden’s speech, given at the 2021 Munich Security Conference on Feb. 19, was touted as a restoration speech. It was as binary as one could have expected, and to his credit, Biden did not deviate from the message. More

Does this mean Biden’s bipolar on top of having dementia? – Dr. Tar

9 Comments on The Cold War Called, Joe – It Wants Its Foreign Policy Back

  1. I isn’t that they have some novel ideas that nobody has ever thought of before, it is that everything they propose has been tried and found wanting. In their arrogance, they fancy themselves some sort of Oracle or endowed with superior intelligence. Nothing could be further from the case.

  2. Read those Biden quotes again, and try to reconcile those statements when it is no longer America First under this administration.

    Sure Joe, America Last will get it done.

    What a stumbling, bumbling, lying empty suit.

  3. At 15;53 he says I’m nigger to hear sansour Merkel, kid you not, check out the Gateway Pundit artic it even showed up on close captioning as niggered to hear.

    Demented pedophile uses “nigger” instead of “eager” and “sansour” instead of “Angela”, and there will be zero fallout for the racist senile idiot.


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