The collective IQ at the SOTU just skyrocketed – IOTW Report

The collective IQ at the SOTU just skyrocketed

Patriot Retort: Maxine Waters, Frederica Wilson and John Lewis will be skipping President Trump’s first SOTU address.

As a result, the average intelligence of the room just skyrocketed.

So, thanks for that!

I wasn’t at all surprised that Maxine and Milk Dud chose not to attend the SOTU.

Those two also skipped the Inauguration last year.

And nobody missed them then either.

As for Frederica Wilson, the gobs of attention she got for exploiting the wife of a fallen soldier has faded away – an easily forgotten embarrassing memory.

So naturally she thinks her next ticket to cable news is announcing she too will skip Trump’s SOTU address.

Meanwhile, Breitbart is reporting that two new polls show that President Trump’s approval rating among African Americans has doubled since 2016.  more here

27 Comments on The collective IQ at the SOTU just skyrocketed

  1. Maxine is becoming so extremely dense that she’s about to degenerate into a mass of pure ebonium, losing all her electons, and creating her own event horizon through which no thought can pass. A cosmoillogical phenomenon that evidently is contagious given that she’s sucked Lewis and Wilson into orbit around her, ahem, black hole.

  2. Ah, The Three Racists, like The Three Musketeers must stick together.

    Pathetic turds, all three of them. Now if they would just stop running for office we would all be enriched.

  3. I have no doubt that the democrats and a few shitbag republicans have some melodramatic mass action planned, like a walk out or a bunch of “You lie!” shouts. DC is an political shithole.

  4. Let me guess … the Longworth Cafeteria’s serving discount Fried Chicken and Watermelon that evening?

    Yeah, I know … racist … blah, blah, blah …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. TheMule, yes, I’m expecting this year’s SOTU to be a full-fledged chimpout, lead by The Usual Suspects. They’ll be handicapped by the absence of Waters, Wilson and Lewis.

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