The Commies Behind ‘Abolish ICE’ – IOTW Report

The Commies Behind ‘Abolish ICE’

New American:

From Portland, Oregon, to Philadelphia, and from New York City to Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, and dozens of other “Sanctuary Cities,” the radical OccupyICE/SurroundICE/AbolishICE agitators have been waging war on America’s national security and our ability to define and defend our borders. While the attacks have centered on the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), including physical obstruction and occupation of ICE offices and harassment and doxxing of ICE employees, the real goal — as announced from numerous Leftist websites, as well as the chants and banners of protesters — is “No Borders” at all. In other words, according to the “no borders” extremists, any or all of the hundreds of millions of people worldwide who have expressed the desire to move to the United States (according to the 2012 Gallup global poll) should be free to do so — without any restrictions.

That, of course, is sheer lunacy, and is recognized as such even by many of the same Americans who succumbed to the emotive propaganda campaign of the “no borders” lobby regarding the separation of families. A  Harvard-Harris Poll published this past June found that almost three-quarters (73 percent) of swing voters oppose abolishing ICE. The survey reveals that 73 percent of Independents, 59 percent of Democrats, 78 percent of Republicans, 63 percent of blacks, 50 percent of Hispanics, 68 percent of men, and 70 percent of women oppose disbanding the agency. Even 59 percent of voters who identified as having voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 opposed the idea. The same Harvard-Harris Poll found that most voters (70 percent) also support stricter immigration enforcement.

It’s one thing to crassly manipulate people’s emotions using a cover issue such as reuniting children with parents. It’s a whole other thing to convince them they ought to favor national suicide. Even a sizeable majority of Hillary Clinton voters are not ready for that. However, the scale would tip even more dramatically against the radical “no borders” lobby, if the “mainstream” media stopped covering for the subversive leaders and organizations behind the movement and provided merely an occasional morsel of truth about their backgrounds and their extreme anti-American agenda.

Who are the groups and individuals leading the Abolish ICE/Occupy ICE confrontations and agitation? The Big Media “journalists” go to great pains to craft stories sympathetic to the break-down-the-borders activists, while bending over backwards to hide the fact this “movement” would not exist without the leadership provided by veteran cadres of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Workers World Party (WWP), Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), Antifa anarcho-communists, the National Lawyers Guild(NLG), and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). more here

4 Comments on The Commies Behind ‘Abolish ICE’

  1. Hillary Clinton was endorsed by CPUSA for President. She was never asked one question about the endorsement or about the CPUSA.

    That should tell you all you need to know about her and the media.

  2. If we had a effective attorney General he has enough laws on the books to deal with these socialists. Okoumou’s state of liberty stunt a prime example. She could/should have been charged with a myriad of crimes. But sessions appears to be hiding under his desk. Why is he and numerous traitorous FBI pricks still drawing a paycheck? We are all getting tired of these inactions. Something is going to go south if this kind of shit keeps happening.

  3. I’ll say it again in its twentieth year: The Cox Report was the first giant red, hammer-and-sickle neon blinking flag signaling something majorly wrong in our intelligence apparatus and federal government.

    Few ever give a shit until it gets personal, by then it’s too late to do anything but get on the cattle car.


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