The Compulsory Conspiracy Theory On the Florida School Shooting – IOTW Report

The Compulsory Conspiracy Theory On the Florida School Shooting

another video where another girl says the same

more here

ht/ jerry manderin

25 Comments on The Compulsory Conspiracy Theory On the Florida School Shooting

  1. I can buy the conspiracy theory if someone can explain to me beforehand what the reason is for the state to coverup that there was more than one shooter.

    I’m not sure what agenda that serves, who it helps.

    Seems like a lot of trouble to go through, sending in 3 shooters, and then desperately trying to pull it off as if it was one shooter.


  2. Why? Here’s a plausible (pure) conjecture. The murdering kid was involved in a white supremacy group, and that group had been infiltrated by FBI confidential informants. If one or two CIs ended up as shooters, TPTB would have an extremely strong incentive to keep that secret, wouldn’t they?

  3. The real conspiracy here is how every one knew this kid was a couple bricks short of a full load and did nothing to stop him. They told him he was not allowed on campus “with a back pack”. If they were that worried about him the authorities should have been notified. And maybe they were. This seems like it was fairly predictable.

  4. According to the conspiracy theory (as described on the Info Wars link) the girl was “walking through the school with the ‘suspect.'”

    A. He was an expelled student. What was he doing there if not the shooter in this incident.

    B. Does it sound normal that, when one starts to hear shots being fired, you turn to the person you are walking with (who shouldn’t even be IN the building to begin with) and “joke” that he’s not the one doing the shooting??

    The Info Wars “conspiracy” doesn’t add up!

  5. What these kids are saying can not be dismissed as “conspiracy theorists” when people start asking questions about what they are reporting. Its possible there were multiple shots being fired from differing locations, we need to know from the Police if any shots were fired by them during the incident that the kids could be assuming were actually the bad guy. Also, the guys they saw dressed in all black with vests could have been Police Officers moving quickly through the halls looking for the shooter. We need more in depth interviews, more specific detail, and you will never get that from imbecile reporters doing interviews. These kids statements must be addressed, and they may already have for all we know. It is a necessary investigative step now that those statements are out there.

    One thing is for certain, nobody should ever call the fbi to report any suspicious person or activity. Whether its terrorism related, or a possible deranged school student, etc… never, ever, call the fbi. Call your local Police, Sheriff, or State Police and get them involved. The idea that the fbi is capable of dealing with these situations is laughable. They are not. They are “police work by committee” and require 98 layers of request and review and approval before they are allowed to leave their desk, let alone make an arrest or stop a criminal. Thats a fact. They have no ability to take immediate, independent, action like your local Police Department does hundreds of times every single day.

    The fbi is a joke, they are a political organization armed with guns and badges, used as muscle for Washington DC and the elite, strictly concerned with crushing political and business enemies via white collar crimes. Everything else they do is window dressing to distract the public. They are long overdue to be disbanded.

  6. Turfing the kid to another school is never the answer. No one ever wants to be held accountable. Too many knew that this kid was a time bomb. Kid decompensated after mom passed unexpectedly.

  7. Another designated patsy. Black ops have been the corrupt state norm for years on end. Always psy-ops to mind control the deluded masses who believe government lies and MSM propaganda. Another shooting gets public attention from all the rampant, blatant corrupt criminals running the government, including ex-officials still making power plays–like Hellerats and Obamaweasels. And Satan’s Soros.

  8. My first exposure to “conspiracy” was with the OK City bombing
    of the Murrah building. The early reports that day were
    clear from officials on the ground that there was a 2nd and 3rd
    bomb larger than the one that went off. These bombs were
    stated to be inside the building and subsequently disabled.
    This information ceased to be reported as the day progressed.
    Some theorized that McVey was in on the ruse as the fall-guy.
    You can find video on this by searching
    Multiple Bombs in Oklahoma Murrah Federal Building.

    Sandy Hook left some questions, like who was the guy in camo pants
    that was apprehended in the woods? Some of the “characters” in the aftermath
    of that incident raised some questions as well, due to their behavior or
    associations as actors, possible “crisis actors.” Just before this there
    was the Project Longevity thing of A.G Holder in Connecticut, which seemed
    to be geared to radically changing the way Americans think about guns. Parents
    laughing before speaking to the press. Tears and anguish that seem inauthentic
    considering people just had a child torn apart by bullets. Parents making anti-gun
    speeches that seem a little too rehearsed and scripted in the immediate aftermath
    of their child’s death. Maybe this has all been answered.

    We all try to make sense of these tragedies. When there’s direct, contradictory information and reports,
    then I guess we’re free to think what we want until the questions are settled.

    I think I’ll stop there.

  9. Like I said, I am open to any and all questions. What I’m turned off to is Fat Head Jones sitting behind a desk acting as if he’s discovered the moon landing hoax when I don’t even know what the benefit would be to
    A: have three shooters with the prime directive being that no one ever find out that there are three shooters.
    B: why the authorities wouldn’t want us to know that there are three shooters.

    This is fundamental before I start skipping down the rabbit hole arm and arm with douchebag Jones (the 9/11 truther.)

  10. Camo pants guy at Sandy Hook was Chris Manfredonia, the father of a student. He was on his way to help build gingerbread houses and heard gunshots and he ran around the school.
    He was detained and put in a squad car. Then let go.

    He actually shot all the kids but the cops are stupid. Adam Lanza, who was found dead at the scene and was identified by survivors as the guy who did the shooting, had nothing to do with it, apparently.

  11. Alex Jones steals this crap from smaller peeps and then acts like Info Wars investigated the hell out of things and have established proof. Info wars has a couple decent people working for them/him. I don’t get it.

  12. The thing that struck me IMMEDIATELY, is how different this was from Sandy Hook. Injured kids, video of kids streaming away hands in the air, phone vids, action OUTSIDE. Compare that to Sandy Hook where there was NOTHING.

  13. So it turns out this girl Alexa Miednik is vindicated by the shooters own statements and the police reports that he ditched his weapon and clothes and walked out among the evacuating students. Shes not a whacko or crisis actor after all.

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