The connection between decreased testosterone and the loss of empathy – IOTW Report

The connection between decreased testosterone and the loss of empathy

American Thinker-

By Jerold Levoritz

Tucker Carlson gained a lot of attention for a video segment he did about declining testosterone levels in American males. In fact, the matter is more important even than he realizes because empathy, a necessary emotion in a healthy society, is tied to healthy testosterone levels.

The purpose of empathy in the human creature has always been to protect the weak. And a major purpose of masculinity was, in part, to express empathy by protecting weaker dear ones. It was the guy with testosterone who was supposed to get out there in front of his rampaging barbarian counterparts to protect his family. However, the only way we know this today is by watching old movies.

That this male hormone led to wars is undeniable but it also led to quick conflict resolution. Men not only fought each other but, to survive, then went to the bargaining table as quickly as possible to avoid more losses. All sorts of rituals developed to avoid or end wars—treaties, state dinners, mutual defense organizations, backdoor channels, and the exchange of daughters in marriage to cement relationships. more

13 Comments on The connection between decreased testosterone and the loss of empathy

  1. “Are you a man or a woman?”

    “I don’t know. I’m not a biologist. What are you?”

    “I’m a biologist.”

    “Then what do you think I am?”

    “An idiot.”

  2. I watched this show on the California Beach scene in the 60’s on A&E a couple early morning ago. Pretty cool pictorial and lots of good music. The beaches were packed full of young people. Not one fat love handled guy during the entire show. Lot’s of really lean muscular guys. Somethings up.

  3. The conspiracy theorist in me is convinced that endocrine disruption in the American male is by design.

    Things we consume directly (all soy products) or indirectly (Atrazine, which is found in herbicides and agricultural products) and things we apply on our bodies (oxybenzone, which is found in sunblock and many hair and skin products) are all estrogenic.

    Factor in obesity and substandard muscle mass and you have the perfect eunuch or sterile beta male.

  4. If I claim it’s “chemistry”, expressed in “biology”… then madness claimed “philosophy”, “religion”, “science”, isn’t my fault. So keep doing that. But now blame this.


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