The Continuous Obtuseness of Leftwing “Journalism” – IOTW Report

The Continuous Obtuseness of Leftwing “Journalism”

Who is the dummy of the moment? Angela Rye, a CNN contributor. She says the Star Spangled Banner is “problematic in and of itself.”



She cited NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick bringing attention to its third verse, which in part states, “No refuge could save the hireling and slave / From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave.”

“The national anthem is problematic in and of itself,” Rye said on “The Lead.” “There’s a second [sic] verse that Colin Kaepernick brought attention to that has yet to be discussed on broad platforms.”


“OH NO!! I see the word slave so that must mean it’s racist or isist or some damn white man privilege or something. BAN IT!”

I’m gonna splain it to you Ang.

The verse refers to the British using fighting forces of slaves and mercenaries. The author of the piece was deriding them for that.

That’s all.

Now go find some other outrage to embarrass yourself with.



18 Comments on The Continuous Obtuseness of Leftwing “Journalism”

  1. The problem we have is that the Left employees those who are mediocre. I know some try and come off as intellectuals, but when you get them on Don Lemon or Joy Reid’s show as a collective group, you think that we we’re witnessing a reality tv show with Ice Cube and crew. I remember one episode where they were lambasting Steve Harvey and Jim Brown as mediocre negros themselves when visiting Trump Tower during the transition phase. They, of course had to put it in clubbing terms to malign the men’s characters for visiting the then President-Elect (to paraphrase: They be acting like they in some club popping a bottle with Trump).

    When they do attempt to engage in intellectual language, their comments are specious at best, misrepresenting American culture and using lengthy memorized phrases that try and convey a sense of superiority but, at best, are a contrived jumble of Marxist and Lefties ideologies strung together as a sentence that make little or no sense.

  2. And, oh, how they despise the Allen Wests, Dr Ben Carsons, the Diamond and Silks of the country. Now, Candace is trying to educate people like this Angela, but she is so blinded by her own hate. Hard to “flip” those kind of Communist devotees.

  3. What sucks is that a fresh nincompoop will rediscover this racist outrage again, probably right before the NFL season starts. And then another nincompoop epiphany a few months later before the Super Bowl, ad infinitum with no intervention by “fact-checkers”. I swear we were laughing at this “hireling and slave” bullshit a few months ago. Probably before the Super Bowl.

    I’m just glad that the Star Spangled Banner doesn’t begin wth, “Oh say can you spy…”

  4. An obnoxiom provided by a fopdoodle and deviousest

    Translation: Objectionable content not based on anything of substantive merit except for a subjective opinion driven by extreme political bias from someone of little significance, but more devious than anyone else.

  5. Are you telling me that when xe said 2 plus 2 equals 5, and I pointed out that means that 5 minus 2 can never equal 3, and then xe said “Not cool dude”, I really SHOULD have been crushed?

    (What’s the gallery’s opinion: Should I have been polite after the cops were called?)


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