The conversation they don’t want you to hear – IOTW Report

The conversation they don’t want you to hear

BFH – This is the full Joe Rogan Experience podcast with Dr. Robert Malone, MD.  I spent all of yesterday evening and this morning watching it and repeatedly backing up to fully grasp the details of what was being discussed – chemistry, microbiology, virology, psychology, history and politics all built into a 3 hour, thoughtful discussion.  This guy comes across 100% sincere and Joe does a great job interviewing him.  I never felt during the entire 3 hours that Dr. Malone was being dishonest in any way.  It wasn’t an interview – it was an honest conversation.
Dr. Malone may be the most intelligent person I have ever witnessed.  Pay particular attention to the beginning, when he discusses his history, and the end where the political discussion gets serious. – Jethro

8 Comments on The conversation they don’t want you to hear

  1. An assertion or argument must be allowed to stand on its own two legs, otherwise it carries no merit.
    When an assertion or argument has to be suppressed by someone who knows they can’t win the debate (and can’t stand to lose thereby propping up their side) and tells you they are just “protecting” you, they have lost by default.
    The mere act of suppression makes talking points and facts of the argument a moot point. They no longer matter when Big Brother pulls the emergency stop cord! At that point Big Brother has admitted that he’s whipped and just wants to be left alone to suck on his Binky.

  2. @TRF January 1, 2022 at 7:03 pm

    > At that point Big Brother has admitted that he’s whipped and just wants to be left alone to suck on his Binky.

    Big Mommy never wants to be left alone. She wants you to put down the gun, hand over your valuables, and climb in the boxcar. Quietly. You’re upsetting the line.

  3. I just got done watching the whole interview. Rogan and Malone were both outstanding! Maybe the best interviewer/interviewee exchange I can remember seeing. Both these guys are on top of what they are doing!

  4. History will note that “More Americans should have been listening to a Rogan/Malone discussion before they were frightened into (and then coerced into) taking the fatal COVID experimental injections.”

    You had a good run America.

  5. A significant portion of the population either has their fingers in their ears or are stupid enough to blindly believe applesauce brains and Fauci and their media lapdogs. Hundreds of thousands of needless deaths only because of the government lying to us. How much longer will the evil bastards get away with their deception and how will it all come to a head? I am so sick of this shit.


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