The COSTco of Freedom – IOTW Report

The COSTco of Freedom

Guest post by Lurker-

We decry a baker run out of town for refusing to bake when not in sync with religious convictions.
On the flip, my wallet never visits Starbucks because I find them socially beyond my personal pale.
We’re a divided country. Always have been. Then of course the divides are often further divided into additional opposing slivers of opinion until, with a nod to Buffalo Springfield,  “Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong”.
So let me ask. I like Costco. Good stuff, reasonable prices, and free morsels to ingest, not to mention an impeccable return policy. The store near me in Ohio used to have a “guns not permitted” sign, but that’s been gone for years, an indication to me that they’re capitalists. I don’t see them being statement-making a-holes about anything. I carry there always.
I think they’re playing it capitalistically safe. I’m sure they remember how Starbucks positive gun support played out.
So my question: do I need to be so rigid in my beliefs that I deny them their beliefs?
My stance you ask? I measure MY benefit, not their benefit. I can disagree in conversation with their policy, but financially Costco works for me. And socially Costco works for me.  You see me walk into Starbucks, you label me and rightfully so.  You see me walk into Costco, you don’t know me at all.

18 Comments on The COSTco of Freedom

  1. Lurker, I’ve had that question in my mind more than once. After a fair amount of thought, here’s where I ended up. There is no one on the face of the Earth with whom I agree 100%. There is some element of difference between me and anybody else. Because I do now want to be, or even could be, a hermit living in the woods off the land, I simply must find common ground to be part of and take advantage of modern civilization and society.

    Where does this leave us with Costco? (I say “us” because we’re in the same boat.) They seem to do a decent job of being a superior business without a lot of posturing or SJW-ing. The current conditions here in the U.S. make it inevitable that they will occasionally have to do something “social” for business reasons, something that I would rather they not do. But here it is: unless they go whole hog down the SJW path to Hell, I’ll continue to give them my business.

  2. I wouldn’t write off costco for a small low level offense just as I wouldn’t do the same for Walmart trying to punt off “impeach 45” tee shirts.

    But change those stores’policies to let a man use the ladies restroom…..?

    I haven’t walked into a Target since.

    On rare occasions boycotts do work and are sometimes necessary to bring lefties back to the real world.

    /Salute Lurker… and BFH

  3. Great commentary from Lurker!

    We’ve been Costco “Executive” members since about the time we needed to feed a child — the mid-90’s. Costco is not only a great value, their Kirkland brand is tops and, as Lurker mentions, their return policy is the best.

    I’ve been conflicted about Costco ever since they banned Dinesh D’Souza’s book, “America, Imagine a World Without Her” in summer of ’14, exactly the day before his film of the same name was slated to debut in theaters. It wasn’t a coincidence; Costco confirmed for reporters that they had pulled D’Souza’s book from their shelves.

    Now, whether they have reconsidered their political activism or not, and for whatever reason(s), I am not the same enthusiastic Costco shopper I used to be and I know that we’ve probably halved the number of trips to their stores since then. AG’s Cash & Carry sells better produce and has as big a selection of meats, cheeses, dairy and the rest for (often) lower prices than Costco. And no membership fees. You can get seasonal goods out of season, too — and you don’t have to buy 3000 paper plates when you only need — and storage space for — 100.

    So if Costco decided it was better for business to be politically mum, more’s the better. But they have a big cultural megaphone and they’ve already signaled where they stand if it ever looked like the Left was going to successfully take over America.

  4. I carry everywhere except schools, hospitals and police stations.
    Plus, I don’t go to those places anyway.
    Otherwise those signs don’t mean squat to me.

  5. Did Sam’s Club ever get rid of the racist CEO who said she freely discriminates against white owned suppliers? That story came out a couple years ago and I haven’t been back since. Never saw any follow up to the story. I would shop at Costco but they don’t have one close to me.

  6. Costco was founded by two democrats. I never held that against Costco. As the consumer, their ethics are far and above many other places. They don’t carry guns. But there are many things they don’t carry. Worst of all, they quit selling their Polish Hot Dog!

  7. Leave Costco alone, they employ our friends and neighbors, treat us well and have great product at good prices. Nobody wants their businesses ringed with idiot protesters….even if they are out of town paid instigators….

  8. I know the Gun Shop that made that donation. And while a “Donation” would seem like a pretty simple process and some what of a one sided transaction, the owner of that shop has a REAL bad rep. I met with him once and walked out. Gun sales in California have tanked. I know for a fact that shop was hurting and am shocked he tried to donate. Even though it was only $500.00. Something to think about.
    We, like AA have had a Cooperate Membership there for ever. I’ve always carried there and have never seen a sign. And if they don’t want you to carry in their store they need to post it. On every store.

  9. Why did it become a requirement to announce support for/against any hot button issue? As a shareholder I’d strongly suggest that board members advise corporate to keep their politics out of my pocket.
    If I want a hamburger, cup of joe, slab of meat or a case of wine, we agree on a price, I pay you and walk out the door with the merch. The transaction should be the only discussion we have with each other.

  10. Never had a Costco near me, so never shopped there. I have shopped at Sams Club in the past, but never really saw there prices were all that great especially having to pay for a yearly membership.
    I do shop at WalMart when I have to and our choices are really limited, so at times I’m left with no choice unless I want to drive an hour away.
    Amazon really ticks me off, but every now and then they are the only place I can find something.

  11. Wasn’t it at a Costco during the campaign that Hillary had a protective wall built up all around her (with some bulk product packages) while hawking her books?

  12. Luckily Memsahib does 95% of all the shopping,so really a non-issue. She who must be obeyed would not be pleased with doing away with the business memberships at Sam’s, Costco, etc.

    Comment from me after reading those above is I’ll usually take things on a case by case basis. Trying to follow some of the “Golden Rule” crap with a live and let live attitude. Allow/respect others to have their own “To each his own thing.” Doesn’t mean I’m approving, endorsing or will be signing up for your brand.

    That said, I’m sure the above mentioned Memsahib would say I’m full of shit. She has seen me write off some people & places. It usually has something to do with the gun thing. The joke is that about the only time I’m not carrying is when I’m wearing the “security guard uniform.” So the line not to cross for me is SUPPORTING the gun control issue. There’s a difference between thems that try to stay neutral or not support that and those come out for doing away with our rights.

  13. As joe6pak said. You will eventually run out of places to shop. Same with boycotting actors. You will eventually run out of movies you can watch. Not the end of the world, but I happen to like movies. Even the exceptionally mindless ones.

    I’m going to do what’s best for me. You should too. If shopping at Costco works for you do it.

    I’m sick to death with other peoples reasons to do or not do one thing or the other. I can make these decisions for myself.

    If this whole “I’m never going to (insert action here) again because of (insert your particular outrage here) continues. We will all be trapped in our homes. Or worse.

  14. Oh. Wow. No Costco hereabouts.
    Never been in one.
    When shopping for a home or acreage, I seek the greater square footage for the lower price.
    When shopping for ordinary stuff, I seek the higher quality for the lower price.

    We must endure (tolerate) many things we would rather not.
    That’s the essence of civilization – that and the ability to store food, ability to wage war, &c. – and opposition parties are just that – opposition – and are expected to be oppositional. However, when they (as the Demonrats and RINOs have done since the 90s) edge over into un-American and even Anti-American activities, they have gone too far and need be punished (by curtailing our patronage, e.g.).

    Business (in my opinion) should stay out of politics and stick to what they do best – unless in so doing presents some moral conundrum.

    izlamo delenda est …

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