The Countries Within Our Country Are Deliberate Progressive Central Planning – IOTW Report

The Countries Within Our Country Are Deliberate Progressive Central Planning

This is not paranoia. The recolonization of this country is deliberate, it’s what Obama meant by “a fundamental transformation of America,” and it’s designed to smash America.

European countries are doing it right before our eyes in methodical deliberate fashion.

Sue Payne, on the Mark Levin Show, talked about being on a white house conference call where this was openly discussed –

The panel on the conference call talked about “immigrant seedlings” who will navigate but never assimilate in America, by design- its purpose being to dramatically change the United States, quickly. The immigrants will be designated “refugees,” purposefully, because refugees are given many more entitlements on day one than an immigrant, like housing, no interest loans and lump sum cash benefits.

Read about the Task Force on New Americans HERE

ht/ KPark


20 Comments on The Countries Within Our Country Are Deliberate Progressive Central Planning

  1. She mentioned that the entire Cabinet was in on the 3 conference calls. Was there no pushback from any of the Cabinet members during these calls?
    Is everyone in the Cabinet a dyed-in-the wool traitor?

    Are they just ‘following orders’ to the great Zero?

  2. The main difference between how Europe is handling their mess and how Americans will handle this crap is firearms. The Marxist regime is trying do away with the 2nd amendment, but that ain’t gonna happen.
    Note to self: Order more ammo

  3. More Treason?

    Damn! Wait till the Republicans (who control the House and Senate) find out about this!


    Ryan: “I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you! To learn that Treason is going on in the Obola Administration! Maybe somebody should do something …”

  4. I sold a 308 platform gun to a member of the LDS about a year ago. Since then I’ve sold about 12 more weapons to different members. There wives have already relocated out of California to the north. They buy the guns here and I ship them to their FFL up there. They’re setting up a little encampment up there, complete with a newly purchased flame thrower. I shit you not. Our discussions quickly turn to how much we distrust our government and one of the LDS main concern is exactly what this post is about. Being over run with immigrants. I found it almost jaw dropping to learn how much research the Church of the LDS has done to determine what you need to survive and where you need to be to survive. The LDS has their own survival meal plan you can purchase palatalized from Sam”s Club and Costco. Tell them how many people and how long and they will roll out exactly what you need.

  5. There is only ONE issue, immigration. All the other issues will be lost once they have a permanent electoral majority, within 10 years.

    Thank God for Planned Parenthood. Ohio and Florida would have gone blue years ago without all those democrat votes flushed down the toilet.

  6. With all of our guns, that alone is not enough. If the day were to come where the country became divided, or balkanized, and American patriots resisted and responded with force against the muslime vermin it would be temporary.

    Over time afterwards there would be fewer and fewer left, as our family sizes have shrunk, of those of us with the stomach for such sustained and constant violence and killing. The muslime diseased hordes have proven to reconstitute through rape and mass reproduction. They would regroup and come back for more. Like the leftist, liberal, communist, they will never go away.

    This is why the WALL and massive deportation of the muslime “refugee” dogs is the only issue that matters in this election. Not anything else. Immediately reversal of odingas grand scheme must start forthwith or else Hitlery and the Rinos will continue it and in ten years the country is gone forever.

    Please do not be distracted by anything else, for nothing else will matter. For the sake of the world these savage dogs need to be bombed with nuclear weapons. For the sake of our country they need to be removed with force which will be very ugly when portrayed in the media and will break the will of many if not most.

    Otherwise, we will be disasterously divided and broken into isolated and warring regions and alliances maybe of states where killing them will be the only defense. Many lives will be lost on both sides as odinga weaponizes them by allowing them to take over entire states and their National Guard forces and Police agencies.

  7. For each successor, the plan is the same –

    March 4, 1939 – Quote from a report of the secret committee by President Roosevelt: (in his own words)

    “I am making no concessions to business or for relief. I have a military machine sufficient to stop any organized revolt. I am putting MY PEOPLE ahead of all instruments (YOU). I’ll have had a full understanding with Chamberlain, and we will destroy this unemployed condition with a WAR, and a WAR only. To Hell with the American people, as far as a Democracy is concerned. It does not exist. It never did, and we will never let it happen that way. I am going to crush business, infest America with all the aliens possible, and in the last analysis, declare Martial Law, and confiscate everything I need for a true and forceful Dictatorship. My New Deal is a failure, and I know it, but no one else will tell me that I must discontinue my present activities, and program.”

    From the Secret Audience with the Military Appropriations Committee; The Ways and Means Committee; The Special War Finance Committee –

    This copy was presented to me by mail through Senator Lundeen. “Red Fog over America” by William Guy Carr, 1955.

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