The Country’s First Openly Retarded Vice President Has a Nickname For the President – IOTW Report

The Country’s First Openly Retarded Vice President Has a Nickname For the President

Wow. Joe really stretched the limits of his imagination with this one.


Looks like Joe Biden can sling a little mud of his own. Speaking at private South Carolina fundraiser Saturday, the presidential candidate was asked if he planned to retaliate against President Trump’s insults. “There’s so many nicknames I’m inclined to give this guy,” said Biden to general laughter, per Politico. “You can just start with clown.” Trump, who famously insulted other candidates in the 2016 election, has already dubbed Biden “Sleepy Joe.” But Biden, 76, said Trump wants to steer him away from serious issues. “What I’m not going to do is get into what he wants me to do,” said the Democrat, per CBS News. “He wants this to be a mud wrestling match.”

15 Comments on The Country’s First Openly Retarded Vice President Has a Nickname For the President

  1. “He wants this to be a mud wrestling match.”

    …no, Joe. I know you and your fellow Democrats like to roll around in something moist and brown, but that AIN’T mud and our President doesn’t play YOUR games…

  2. “What I’m not going to do is get into what he wants me to do,”

    The battlefield of 2016 is littered with the bodies of people who said that. You’re just not up to this, Joe.

  3. I’m inclined to think of Joey as some kind of creepy, retarded pervert.

    But the fact that he’s never had a job, has never worked a single day in his life, has lived off the public teat for ~ 50 years suggests that he really isn’t “stupid” at all. Sort of Leo Gorcey clever.

    To paraphrase Crassus “This boy bears watching.”

    Biden has a deviously criminal mind and will not be deterred from pursuing his criminal intents.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Clown? oooooh back off, why so mean Joe?

    Slow Joe impresses me as the 13 y.o. boy who practiced French kissing on his bathroom mirror.

  5. The Democraps are running the first mentally challenged primary! Which candidates will make it onto the short bus? Even as crazy as the current slate of 22 dim-witted ‘Hate America’ announced candidates is I predict Tom Arnold will emerge as the presidential candidate with either Cher or that ex-Canadian idiot Jim Carrey as Veep selection! They don’t get much more retarded than Hollyweird actors!

  6. As we said in the Army, “Arguing with the Infantry is like mud wrestling with a pig. You both get dirty, but the pig loves it.”
    Substitute President Trump = pig. He can get down and dirty with the best of ’em. And since he’s the Teflon Don(ald), nothing the Libtards and RINOs ever sticks.

  7. Our Joey reminds me of Professor Irwin Corey, the World’s Greatest Authority, but without the Professor’s deliberate sense of humor. I give him six months before he gets the call from his master Osmidgen to come back to the retirement home.


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