The COVID ‘Vaccines’ – Could They Be Mandatory After Upcoming FDA Approvals? – IOTW Report

The COVID ‘Vaccines’ – Could They Be Mandatory After Upcoming FDA Approvals?


The COVID-19 “vaccine” makers are now seeking full approval from the Food and Drug Administration. When (not if) that happens, businesses and schools and governments will be mandating the shot.

The companies behind two of the COVID-19 vaccines authorized for emergency use in the United States have applied to the Food and Drug Administration for full approval, which would allow them to market directly to consumers—and potentially boost confidence in the doses, according to a report by National Geographic.  FDA approval could also lead more employers and schools to issue vaccine mandates.

On May 7, Pfizer and BioNTech became the first companies to apply for approval for their two-shot mRNA vaccine; Moderna, which also offers a two-dose mRNA vaccine, followed on June 1. These could be approved literally, any time now.


ht/ tsunami

21 Comments on The COVID ‘Vaccines’ – Could They Be Mandatory After Upcoming FDA Approvals?

  1. When it appears less and less necessary to get the shot the government seems more and more desperate to give it to everyone.
    The FDA is like every other federal agency, subject to political manipulation. Despite all new warnings of it’s danger, including it’s inventor, the push continues.
    It’s getting very hard to believe that this shot is being pushed so hard because of the governments deep concern for our best interests.

  2. How many people really believe that Biden really took the vaccine? Is it realistic to think they’d take that risk considering news of all the deadly side effects?

  3. Is there anybody that didn’t see this coming?
    I don’t know how sinister the real reason for the ‘vaccine’ is, but I’m sure it’s at least graft.
    Big Pharma: “Joe, we got that kickback coming to ya, but not enough people are getting the vaccine to make it profitable.”
    Joe:”Don’t worry, I’ll make the vaccine mandatory, then we’ll make big bank.”

  4. Let’s see…….
    If Big Pharma gets FDA approval for the Experimental Drugs (not vaccines), does that mean they also assume liability for the negative side effects? Up to and including death?

    Also: the standard annual flu shots aren’t mandatory. Why should these be?

  5. The so-called vaccine isn’t to protect you, it’s to drastically reduce the population. These are people who have rejected God’s grace in preference of evil.
    Agenda 21.

  6. Select random vials from any of the Covid vaccine supplies and televise a forced injection on each drug Manufacturer’s CEO.

    Then just maybe I’ll consider it.

  7. I had the same question as President Elect Toxic. If it is approved, than there would be no need for them to be exempt from liability. If they insist that they still have the exemption, there should be a class action law suit. I fail to see how something could be required by law that no one accepts liability for.

    How much you want to bet that if the exemption is lifted, Big Pharma will no longer be interested in making the stuff?

  8. Still completely in violation of the Nuremberg Code against forced medical procedures!

    Still internationally recognized as a crime against humanity punishable by hanging!

    Our founders practically gave everything to secure our freedom…what are we willing to give in order to preserve it?


  9. I have a friend in the Philippines who says there is a “Covid” vaccine there called Sinovac. It is from China, and it is a real vaccine made from dead cells, just like polio and smallpox. NOT mRNA. Of course it won’t be available here, because it won’t sterilise/kill you. And Gates and Fauci don’t own stock.


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