The Covid Zone- by Woody – IOTW Report

The Covid Zone- by Woody

Imagine if you will…

Much to the dismay of the left and with spirited rejoicing from all conservatives, Trump wins the 2020 Presidential election.
Immediately following his landslide electoral victory, he begins to put in place medical staff everywhere to administer the Covid Vaccine to ALL Americans, announcing to the nation, “My Operation Warp Speed is working! We can beat this!”
It is then touted every day in conservative media that it’s important for EVERYONE to get vaccinated.
Now, for some reason he is met with resistance from hesitant people who question it’s experimental status.
But mainly, the leftist “resist crowd” is livid, a large group of disgruntled liberals who had always held a seething hatred for him are now out for blood, the ones who despise him even MORE now that he has won another 4 years.
The vitriol spreads to abhorrent leftists everywhere who view him as a dictatorial tyrant…and they will NOT comply!
They begin to tout alternative therapeutics to thumb their noses at him and their enemies on the Right. With the media’s help, it is reported how effective these preliminary medicines seem to be and the success numbers are displayed nightly on the network news. The President really wanted everyone to get vaccinated but the resist crowd is overjoyed that this is getting to him, making him seethe.
The battle is on.

The leftist media picks up the mantle and further divides the country with Trump-hating propaganda.
President Trump begins to show frustration that his Operation Warp Speed has slowed to a crawl.
He goes on TV and speaks to the nation…”We’ve been patient …but our patience is wearing thin.”
Liberals everywhere are appalled! They will NOT cooperate with the orange man. They begin to call him a failure because his vaunted “vaccine” doesn’t work on eradicating the virus. They mock him and his followers as sheep who gladly follow his every political move. They begin to dismantle every action he takes, whether it be the Afghanistan troop pullout, citing it as premature and dangerous, or his border problems, his wall and his policies as they rip him to shreds as he is labeled a racist misanthrope. Impeach him!!
They continue to mock him as Covid outbreak cases for the double-vaccinated reach 300% higher from the previous year.

In desperation, with no executive orders, he then demands that hospitals start firing non-vaccinated nurses and doctors. He moves on to instruct corporations with more than 100 employees to mandate proof of vaccinations and fire those who will not comply, then on to the removal of unvaccinated police and firefighters.
This continues with his ordering athletic teams to proceed with mandates.He even talks of vaccine mandates on airlines and travel in general.
His authoritarianism spreads to gathered people everywhere…concerts, theaters, any event, indoors or out.

How do you think liberals across the country would take this? Would they not be DELIGHTED that their authoritarian ‘Hitler’ is frustrated and feeling defeated due to their hate?
Would they say, “I told you so?” I KNEW this was his plan for controlling us!”??


There is just no way liberals would fall in line and cooperate with the President. Why should they? They never did for the previous 4 years.
They would be screaming in the streets,”I will not obey!”

I believe this to be exactly how they would act. It had already started in early 2020 with Pelosi bucking his authority, announcing to the nation that all is well and to not pay attention to that awful man, inviting everyone to come down to Chinatown and enjoy the festivities.
It had already begun with Biden and Harris and many others rebuking the vaccine…remember?
“I’m not taking that Trump shot! It hasn’t been proven and I personally will NOT be participating!”

Funny how if the tables were turned, you just KNOW this to be true.


6 Comments on The Covid Zone- by Woody

  1. January 6th would have been a real, violent insurrection, then. But at least Austin wouldn’t be SecDef. Although I shudder to think what kind of coup that scumbag Milley and Pelosi would have cooked up.

  2. I disagree with the premise of this post. This COVID terrorist attack (the longest and most successful terrorist attack in history, btw) was not about stealing the election, that was just a fringe benefit the evil, Marxist build-back-betterers exploited. This has always been about getting people to voluntarily exterminate themselves by taking the death jab. Had the forces of evil failed to fabricate and steal enough votes to install Walter the Usurper as they did, their Ministry of Propaganda and Brainwashing Misinformation (sometimes euphemisticly referred to as the “main stream media” and social media) would still be pushing the death jab 24/7/365 even though Trump was foolishly agreeing with them. (Which he would have done. The #1 mistake of President Trump was how he was fooled by and how he handled this terrorist attack.)

    The same people who voluntarily euthanized themselves by willingly getting the death jab would have done so even if the truly re-elected President remained in office and those of us who supported Trump but were also aware enough to see the COVID scam for what it is would still be wise enough to refuse the death jab. Very little would be different with regard to the COVID Scam. Other things would be different like there being no crippling inflation, the destructive waves of illegal invaders would not be happening, and America’s enemies would not have been enriched as they now are and would not feel empowered as they now do, but the overall trajectory of this terrorist attack would not have changed.

    The puppets, Walter and Giggly-cock-holster, were only attacking “Trump’s vaccine” for a brief time before the farcical “election” last November as an attempt to reduce the number of voters they would need to disenfranchise by stealing and fabricating votes like they did. That would have ended immediately after the “election” regardless of who one.

    This is and always has been about one thing only: killing off a large portion of the global population to destroy the current system so the puppet masters can “build back better” a global, oppressive, evil, communist dictatorship with them as the all powerful rulers.

  3. “The #1 mistake of President Trump was how he was fooled by and how he handled this terrorist attack.” -pbunyan

    And those of us here who agree with that still support his possible return. But we’re also aware that he now has legitimate competition for the first time: Ron DeSantis. Nothing but good can come from that, in my opinion. It could result in Trump for four more, and DeSantis for an eight year follow-up.

    In 2020, it was “Make America Great Again” and “Drain The Swamp.”

    In 2024 it could easily be “Get America Back” and “Keep It Together.”

    If we last that long.


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