The CR Is Most Likely DEAD – IOTW Report

The CR Is Most Likely DEAD

Elon Musk and X have been posting all day that we will primary any Republican that votes for the bill.

Watch the report HERE!

17 Comments on The CR Is Most Likely DEAD

  1. I can’t wait for Elon to start naming specific individuals. You just know he’s going there. Now Elon, demand the stay in session through Christmas to get the Government funded in an acceptable manner. This is going to be fun.

  2. Elon Musk – $400 B and climbing
    George Soros – $8 B

    This is going to get interesting. George Soros has been spending his money to force his agenda down the throats of the American people. There is nothing organic or grass roots about one damn bit of it. MAGA is organic and Elon Musk is on our side. The progressive/Marxist/Satanists are on defense and haven’t been able to even put a dent in the enthusiasm and enthusiasm is contagious. They are getting the living shit beat out of them and are either in a fetal position or swinging wildly and not connecting with anything. They aren’t listening to George Carville or anyone who doesn’t tell the stupid fuckers what they want to hear and that is most excellent.

  3. JDHasty

    No kidding. When you stop and back up to the 40k view there were one hell of a lot of events that fell in place to get us here. Starting with Elon even buying Twitter. We’ve got a real shot at straightening this shit out with the power of X being the arbiter of truth and ownership. It’s starting to feel like divine intervention.

  4. What they are demanding is absurd. Did you see the pay raise they want? So many off the wall things. The bill is like a dare. The democrats’ “let’s see how retarded the R’s are.”

    I would suggest Elon and ‘Swamy use some of that money to look into getting rid of the election machines and CA’s and NV’s RNC. There is definitely something wrong with all of them.

  5. I read on that Elon and Vivek used AI to read through the 1,500 pages of the CR. Actual funding to continue the government until March 2025 was on only 25 pages – the rest of the pages were egregious pork barrel funding!
    I come from business. My fee proposals were 2 pages, sometimes 3 maximum. Site Meeting Minutes could be 3 pages as well with topic discussed and an “Action by” column. Future bills presented to Congress should be a maximum of 20 pages and written in very simple to understand English.


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