The Creaking Sound Doesn’t Help – IOTW Report

The Creaking Sound Doesn’t Help

The glass-bottom foot bridge —>

ht/ Cathee

22 Comments on The Creaking Sound Doesn’t Help

  1. Brad I saw the typo then decided izzy was a good description of that that does to my head. Whacked. Probably what the weekend rain had you feeling like too.

  2. These people are goofs holding onto the rail as if that’s going to do any good. The real stomach in throat videos are the crazy russians climbing 100 storey needle points with their cameras on 6 foot sticks.

  3. Looks like I’m the only one working the night shift tonight. I have a 5-comment stack in the side bar limit. So goodnight!

    P.S. this reminds of cringing when my friend’s girlfriend did nothing as her 3-year-old girl jumped up and down on their glass coffee table. Same kid who put the Caddie gear selector in Drive and proceeded to drive into lake Hughes. We just barely got the car stopped. Mom was not the best baby sitter.


  4. Wow never experienced anything like that don’t know how I’d respond. I hate Heights but really only when on something wobbly like a crap ladder or scaffolding.

    In Japan they have this big tower with a small section that has a glass floor and that’s no big deal. Sears tower observation deck no big deal. There’s a fire tower at a local state Park people can climb and it’s not scary but the sucker starts to sway after a while and it’s good to get down.

    This bridge… Don’t know.

  5. Ain’t no way in Hell I’d ever go across that bridge. First off I don’t like heights (except from airplanes) and secondly it’d make me dizzy and want to puke trying to cross that bridge. i wouldn’t even cross it blindfolded knowing there was nothing but air and the ground underneath me. I don’t even like open air enclosed glass gondolas like the one at Big Mtn. above Whitefish, Mt., of course it didn’t help any when my brother in law was rocking it back and forth having a grand old time scaring the snot out of the rest of us.

  6. I was on the Capilano Suspension Bridge, right smack dead in the middle when I turned to my wife and said excitedly; Did you hear that crack, this thing is coming down!

    At least 4 people around us panicked. A lady that had been in front of us decided that the only way to safety was to go halfway back. Noticing I wrecked the experience, I tried to reason with her that going all the way across was the same as going halfway back. She wanted nothing to do with it.

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