The Curious Case Of The Presidential Campaign That Didn’t Bark – IOTW Report

The Curious Case Of The Presidential Campaign That Didn’t Bark

Jonathan Turley on Fox News

There is always something a tad curious of Washington legal scandals in what has not occurred. That is why the latest Hunter Biden scandal is so curious. 

When the story broke in the New York Post, the Biden campaign was faced with thousands of emails that purportedly showed clear support for allegations that Hunter Biden was given millions as part of an influence-peddling scheme related to his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden.

The problem was the absence of “barks” from the Biden camp. The computer files revealed a host of embarrassing pictures of Hunter Biden using drugs or exposed in other embarrassing ways. The emails contain dates and addresses that match up with confirmed records.

If they are fabricated, there were three barks that we would have expected within hours of the release. More

9 Comments on The Curious Case Of The Presidential Campaign That Didn’t Bark

  1. The “Biden Camp” has placed a “Lid” on this “Pressure Cooker” & snapped all the locks closed in hopes it won’t totally explode before the election. We all already know that the “Pressure Relief Valve” is already whistling very loudly & the whole thing will probably explode like an “Improvised Explosive Device” spreading it’s “Shrapnel” far & wide within the next week.

  2. I’ve heard from at least 3 difference places that they think there’s pedo crap in the laptop. I am now thinking it makes sense since that russian billionaire wife of the ex-mayor of moscow was involved in the human sex slave trade. And money was exchanged between her and Hunter.
    SO GROSS!!!!

    When you have tons of money and no morals, there is all kinds of shit available to you. ugh.

  3. Why should Biden say anything when the media is running interference for him? Deny, ignore, deny some more and keep stampeding the early votes. The people who actually see any of this over the next two weeks fall into one of the following groups: Trump supporters; have already voted; won’t care bc hate Trump; think it’s all about Hunter not Joe.

    The number of undecided voters who see this scandal and turn away from Biden is so small you could put them in a Biden rally with six circles to spare. And if you think the scandal will get more than a sanitized PG mention at the next debate and/or a comment by Trump which is quickly cut off, well, all I can say is I hope you are right.

    This scandal is so big and juicy it’s hard to believe it’s real. Hell, I was pretty sure it was a setup to entrap Rudy and make Trump look foolish. Joe has the media to ride this out with the All Biden No Bark strategy. Whatever beats Joe has already been said and done. I’m not saying don’t push the scandal aggressively, just don’t expect it to be a game-changer.

    Wet rag rant / off

  4. ‘Why should Biden say anything when the media is running interference for him? Deny, ignore, deny some more and keep stampeding the early votes.’

    Because he knows he’s losing, he’s dumb (lol), and he knows he still needs to peel off some R’s and I’s to win.

    Maybe not a gamechanger but it may have a- ‘fuck it, i’m not voting at all’ from the Dems.

    Plus, the FBI has taken even more hits. If Trump wins, he has a good reason to end/restart the FBI. So the situation has + and -.
    But the FBI needs a ballbuster. I would give it to Rudy to break shit to start off. haha

  5. Nothing in this information is going to change anywhere near a significant amount of votes.

    The battle lines are drawn.

    Flawed as he is, Trump is the America of the Constitution this country was founded upon and became the shining light of the free world. A place people across the globe will risk death to come to.

    Biden is the figurehead of the party that wants to cast down the foundation of this country and make something other of it. Something modeled on paradigms that have failed every single time they have been tried.

    And damn near HALF of our population wants to do that.

    How the fuck can that be explained?

  6. I said it before and I will say it again…get Kerry’s stepson under oath against the Bidens.

    He noped out of this corruption early on and has a bright future to lose because of them.

  7. @MJA

    I think your numbers are low. I think just more than half the population is chafing under the burden of self determination and desperately desires someone tell them what to do. They have no use for liberty, and find it confusing and massively burdensome. Freedom is a word on Wiki, and one they’ve never Googled. They yearn to be told what to do, when to do it, and how.

    And as an aspect of human nature, this has not changed in thousands of years. Were it different, the first King or Dictator would have been killed well before assuming power.


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