The customer’s always right – IOTW Report

The customer’s always right

18 Comments on The customer’s always right

  1. Mary had an LTD
    and drove it for a week
    but everywhere that Mary went
    she heard an awful squeak.

    She took it to a auto shop
    with a fine mechanic who
    promised he would fix the squeak
    before the week was through.

    The week is up, now Mary’s broke:
    $700 was the ticket.
    He put a new transmission in
    and taken out the cricket.

    – MAD Magazine, 1970s

  2. We’re not very self-sufficient any more, are we?
    Remember when cars came with a tool set?
    Motorcycles, too.

    The whole of western civilization is like the two “liberals” stuck on the stopped elevator screaming for help.


    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I don’t know how true this is, but back in the 60’s I heard a story about a middle-class guy who had always wanted to own a Cadillac but was never able to afford one. However, he scrimped and saved, and finally he was able to buy his dream car. The Cadillac rode beautifully; however, as he drove around the guy noticed that sometimes there was an annoying rattle coming from the driver’s door area. He took the car back to the dealership several times but they were unable to locate the source of the noise, even after taking the door completely apart. Finally they removed the left rocker panel. Inside they found a loose nut, which had apparently been left there during the automotive assembly process. Attached to the nut by a thin wire was a note, which read: “Hope you had a hard time finding this, you rich bastard!”

  4. @Hello, I’m Johnny Cash: Actually, because I’m not a big C&W fan, I don’t think I’ve ever heard that song. And since I honestly didn’t know what you were referring to, I decided to go with the funniest reply I could think of (and also pull your leg a bit). I wasn’t really serious, and no offense was intended.


  5. I have a story…
    My first car was a 70 Dodge Dart that I bought used. Sometimes, when I would make a sharp turn I would hear a growl and a thud coming from the back. This went on for about six months. I thought it was a bad axle or differential bearing. Luckily (before I tore it apart) I found a golf ball caught in a trough between the trunk floor and the rear seat frame. When I made the sharp turns it would roll from one side of the trough to the other and then bump at the end.
    There was a golf club in there also…

  6. 1969 Dodge Dart with 273 C.I. V8.
    After that Plymouth Valiant 1967
    slant 6 223 C.I. ? I think. I did all
    the maint. & minor repair myself at 17.
    Paid 300 for it.Those were the days!

  7. Back in the early 70’s, I had a friend who worked at Thomas(?) Cadillac in LA as a technician. He told a story of a customer who brought in his Cadillac multiple times to fix a rattle. The techs finally tore apart the interior, and there in the deep recesses of the body they found the source: a coke can, filled with nuts and bolts with a note taped to it. “bet you had fun trying to find this”. Gotta love union labor.


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