UPDATE: The Daily Caller UNFAKES Christiane Amanpour’s FAKE NEWS Segment With James Comey – IOTW Report

UPDATE: The Daily Caller UNFAKES Christiane Amanpour’s FAKE NEWS Segment With James Comey


This will be deleted soon. Left coast Dan spotted it.

13 Comments on UPDATE: The Daily Caller UNFAKES Christiane Amanpour’s FAKE NEWS Segment With James Comey

  1. The FBI arresting people for saying “Lock her up.” during the campaign. Oh yeah, that would have gone over well.

    The Democratic party would be over.

    Bring it on lefties.

  2. Christiane Amanpour is married to Jamie Rubin, who used to be Madelin Albright’s chief of staff…………..if it’s CNN there is a zio nist in there somewhere in the news………

  3. Maybe someone should clue Christiane in on how the 1st Amendment works. Given her roots (Iranian(!) and British), I’m sure she has just a tad more restrictive take on free political speech than the USA is used to. That kind of suggestion is what I’d expect out of ANTIFA, BLM and their ilk. Or her native Britian, especially nowadays.

  4. Sick ’em Dan-O!

    ….Just picked up your removed comment?

    Well not from here and not from the internet!

    And all you have to do is take a snap shot with a phone or cam….click!

  5. The old hag exemplifies CNN culture. CNN doxxes and threatens people who mock them. They tell us that some news is illegal for us to read, and only they can interpret for us. They’re right there at the Pre-Dawn Raids, sniffing the FBI jockstraps and laughing at the targets. They all–not just the old hag–truly believe that the First Amendment applies only to large media corporations.


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