The Daily Fail Trots Out a “Professor” Who Says Trump is in Steeper Cognitive Decline Than Biden – IOTW Report

The Daily Fail Trots Out a “Professor” Who Says Trump is in Steeper Cognitive Decline Than Biden

Sounds so impressive, doesn’t it? A professor from the UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA!!

Oh, my. It must be true.

What’s that, he’s a politics professor?



Trump’s ‘slurred speech and gross, repeated errors’ show his cognitive decline is ‘MORE apparent’ than Biden, UBC professor claims, in frightening assessment of presidential front runners

  • Politics professor at the University of British Columbia, Paul Quirk, has assessed the cognitive functioning of both presidential front runners
  • He warned Trump’s decline is ‘more apparent’ but that Biden’s ‘cognitive failure’ could be disastrous in a second term

14 Comments on The Daily Fail Trots Out a “Professor” Who Says Trump is in Steeper Cognitive Decline Than Biden

  1. Why the history has to be erased.

    Members and front organizations must continually
    embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics.
    When obstructionists become too irritating
    label them as Fascist. Nazi or anti-Semitic.
    Constantly associate those who oppose us with
    those names which already have a bad smell.
    The association will, after enough repetition,
    It becomes fact in the public mind.

    The Communist Party USA’s directive to its members as described in the 1956 congressional report:

    We can and must write in a language which
    sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and
    scorn toward those who disagree with us.

  2. I’ve seen this story line being pushed in various MSM outlets. What a giant load of BS, Trump can speak extemporaneously for hours, Joey Shitpants can’t string together two sentences.

  3. This Weekmornings, Afternoons, Evenings, Prime Times and Late Night with Repeats everyday 24/7 on msNBC.
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    BBC2 Tools Too

  4. A POLITICS Professor, mind you, not a clinical geriatrician.

    Anyway a Trump victory would be mostly symbolic as whether he is currently fit is evident. What we can’t predict is when he will decline, how much, and how fast.

    Trump better pick a worthy and capable successor as his Veep.

  5. If this Canadian asshole hadn’t spoken up, that Penn State professor could’ve volunteered to vouch for Shitpants’ cognitive ability in return for wiping his bestiality and tree limb insertion scandal out of the news.

  6. He’s an effing Canuck fer chrissake! BC at that. Legal meth and heroin as well as old faithful and weed. Not to mention he’s a professor of bullshitology at s BC Skool!

    For fooks sake people the motherfooker woont know cognitive if it bit him on the decline! Twice!

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