The Daily Mail Tries to Take Down Trump With New “Explosive” Sexual Harassment Video!!! – IOTW Report

The Daily Mail Tries to Take Down Trump With New “Explosive” Sexual Harassment Video!!!

This video has the opposite effect it wants to achieve. Having watched this I am now convinced that there is absolutely nothing to any of the “Trump as sexual predator” crapola.

Look at this video ——>

Then take a gander at the Daily mail article and their edited video.


8 Comments on The Daily Mail Tries to Take Down Trump With New “Explosive” Sexual Harassment Video!!!

  1. Stark difference. Especially feeling like since Jennifer came, she came TO THE EVENT (get your minds out of the gutter!), there is no problem here. Jennifer obviously has a public speaking fear.

  2. There are lots of people in the media who are simply incapable of understanding that women like to kiss powerful men. Most of them are faggots. I have that same problem myself, at the golf course. I have to tell them. “Not today honey, no hugs, I have a cold.”
    In my younger days I used to have to beat them away with a stick.
    I understand Donald’s problem very well. And I’m not a rich guy.
    Can you imagine?

  3. This is almost as scandalous as their Bernie in a bathing suit picture release. If this is all the liberal media trolls have on Trump, they’d be better off spending their energy trying to cover-up for Bill and Hillary, (not that they’ll be very successful at that either).

  4. Ann Althouse is right: Trump has a feminine speaking style. I think this is part of the reason the Sexist Bully Trump smear has run out of gas. It’s also why the “Sassy Gay Man Trump” is so funny…

    It is a difficult task to be an alpha male and be empathetic at the same time. Trump does this masterfully, but the left is blind to it and remain fixated on “Women Troubles” which have become laughably irrelevant to most voters. How’s the porn star payday working out for you, Gloria Allred?

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