The Dandy Lion of Elgin – IOTW Report

The Dandy Lion of Elgin


The artist, Vic Quickly, was inspired by the Scottish city of Elgin’s history when she crafted her design for improving the town’s square.  One council member called it “cultural vomit in technicolor” and wondered aloud how much it would cost to cart it off to a land fill.


Art by committee.


12 Comments on The Dandy Lion of Elgin

  1. Maybe it’s something from a Peter Max cartoon of the 60’s or the animated version of Yellow Submarine or from the animated TV movie The Point. Whatever it is certainly is psychedelic… Too much acid man, far out, groovy baby, keep on trucking. It needs to be accompanied by some Grateful Dead music or Jefferson Airplane singing White Rabbit.

  2. Looks like something a charity would auction off 50 of them and the buyers paint/decorate and display it. The best one wins. Chicago did cows many years ago and you still see them around.

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