The Daughter is just as CRAZY as the Mother! – IOTW Report

The Daughter is just as CRAZY as the Mother!

Christine Pelosi, daughter of Nancy Pelosi, has TWO AWFUL INTERVIEWS on the Fox Business Network with Marie Bartiromo and Neil Cavuto.
She’s an electorate from California leading the campaign to STOP Trump. In her Neil Cavuto interview she had a meltdown and accused Neil of…

making her “UNSAFE”. Watch the TWO train-wreck interviews HERE.

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24 Comments on The Daughter is just as CRAZY as the Mother!

  1. If she doesn’t want death threats, she should probably stop trying to disenfranchise the American voters by staging a de facto coup.

    Suicide is legal now in California. She and her mom should take advantage of that.

  2. The Marxist mentality stripped naked. These people do not have our best interest or the countries best interests at heart. They strongly believe we should resemble Cuba or maybe Europe. At any cost. If she were successfull in keeping Trump from becoming President she knows the ramifications. Civil war. And her and mummy would be on the list. I’m starting to think these Marxists assholes have some sort of suicidal death wish carried out by true America. I don’t get it. Fucking move to France and leave me alone.

  3. The sad thing is that long after Nancy Pelosi has died and gone to her “eternal reward” we will have to deal with the next generation of these evil bastards. That ignorant blint, by virtue of her last name will be a shoe-in for her mother’s seat.

  4. Why didn’t people on the right do this shit when Obama won the election? We basically just gave up. From now on we should fight for every vote. Don’t ever concede till all votes are recounted 2 or three times. Go on tv and bitch and moan like the left is doing.
    Keep fighting like these bastards are doing.
    Had we recounted in Philly the fake votes would have disqualified the entire state.
    127 percent for Obama? WTF????

  5. Faux News at it’s finest. Put the left tards on the screen
    and keep them there and act “surprised” when they come with
    an agenda.

    Lame stream media used to keep the story on the air over
    the weekend before the college vote.

  6. That Maria has kind of an abrasive voice but wow does she use it to effect. She let crazy Christine have it and when Pelosi issued her non-apology Maria’s eyeroll said, “Whatever, just carry on.”

  7. She’s the typical leftist woman: obnoxious, crazy, and ugly. I guess having these creatures on television must be good for ratings. People were entertained by circus freak shows for decades. Now we can just watch them on TV.

  8. Aww, how’s come Trump doesn’t like old Neil? I think he’s one of the good guys.

    And Pelosi’s daughter is an offputting combo of crazy, shrewish, and toxic. No wonder Neil and Maria didn’t want to interview her in-studio.

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