The Day George Takei Stepped on a Rake – IOTW Report

The Day George Takei Stepped on a Rake

21 Comments on The Day George Takei Stepped on a Rake

  1. Couple thoughts. And we have our own line of ARs. Some what dormant now, however. Old George, I need a dick in my ass, wants to send semi auto weapons into a war zone? You first George.

    Next, AR’s in an urban environment are a far superior weapon due to mag capacity, maneuverability and weight. But not in 556/223. Keep that quite from your libtard friends.

    My daughter was down from extreme NorCal last week end. She’s a school teacher up there, hubby contracts with the Forest Service. They have ten acres out in the middle of bum fxck no where. She takes after my mother, not my wife. Kids are big into 4H. We don’t see them near enough. She tells us they’ve SSS about ten bears in 2 years. She goes on, last one hubby was out of town and there was a big black after the kids show pigs. In their pen. Not feeders. Got an education on that this week end. Who knew. So she tells us she grabbed the rifle hubby left out, loaded it, took a shot at the bear. Thought she missed, took another shot, but by that time the bears beating feet. “Interesting, what were you shooting at it with?” 7 mm win mag. She weighs about 140 soaking wet. “Really”. Yea, but the first time I shot at it, it just spun circles. “You shot it in the ass”. LOL. They tried to track it after hubby got home, no blood trail. Probably cauterized it on the way out. Needless to say as they were backing out of my driveway I was dialing hubby. 7mm Mag? Really. Bust out that black out and teacher her how to use it. They have more of our guns than we do.
    She also told us a story about howthe have a welded steel garbage container made from 1/4 inch thick steel plate, gusseted and welded with a pad lock. One day a bear got on top of that thing and bent the cover back far enough so the bear could shove it’s paw in and scoop out garbage. Crazy shit.

  2. There are a lot of things that belong to other people that I could put to good, maybe even better, use. That confers absolutely no legitimate claim on what is rightfully theirs, nor does it give some third party license to decide to take what is rightfully theirs and give it to me.

    A Goddamn thief who would stick a gun in my face and rob me gets more respect from me that some shitbag who is to lazy to even steal for themselves and advocates for government to do so on their behalf.

    I saw the most stunning little side by side 22 Hornet rifle the other day. It’s regulated for RWS ammo and delivers the goods. I could put that rifle to good use and the man who owns it hasn’t fired a gun in well over ten years. He commissioned that rifle four or five years ago and it cost him north of $40K. It’s his and irrespective of whether not I am of the opinion that with me it would be put to its highest and best use, that is not for me or anyone other than the man who owns it to decide.

    Unfortunately for me, my inclination is that I’m just going to have to make do as best I can without it.

  3. Any day now, just like during hurricane Katrina, heavily armed agents will sweep our neighborhoods going door to door confiscating guns and ammo. I just can’t figure out what the government is going to use for justification.

  4. Liberals are in their own world – and should stay there. Who here would fight or send their sons to fight for the like of a moron like Taki’s freedom? Thought not. If only the North Koreans would nuke DC – and throw another one on Hollywood…

  5. Gee, George … how many Ukrainians could be armed with 20 million AR-15s?
    How would Biden get his cut?
    Why do you pretend to GAS about Ukraine?
    Your net worth is ~$25 Million ( – so why aren’t you buying up a bunch and sending them over if you actually cared?
    Bottom line ARs go for about $500 – you could send over 50,000 which would be a great start! And if all your Hollyweird maggot friends did the same? Think of what a difference you guys could make!

    But alas – you’re just another hypocrite who won’t put his money where his mouth is (ewwww). You’re only willing to put other people’s money where YOU think it should be.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Had one of ‘those’ roaming our neighborhood ‘selling’ organic cleaners.
    Wouldn’t take NO for an answer and would not leave the property. Started over to my truck and proceeded to demonstrate how well his product worked. Pulled out my 9mm ‘old faithful’ and told him he 10 seconds to get off the property before ‘old faithful’ erupted. Started counting and he took off really fast. It was a short time later the police drove by looking for him.

  7. Too bad (for us) our government decided to violate our cr by preventing us from keeping and bearing arms that it has authorized for itself to (ironically) use against us. Paraphrasing VDH,
    There won’t be enough armed government agents to stem the tide of the over-correction that our corrupt government will have instigated.


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