The Day the RACIST REAGAN Visited a Family Who Had a Cross Burned On Their Lawn – IOTW Report

The Day the RACIST REAGAN Visited a Family Who Had a Cross Burned On Their Lawn

Stupid story. Reagan was a racist. Just ask any leftist asstwaddle.

Funny how this story wasn’t so “viral” at the time (meaning, wall to wall on the alphabet stations and the big newspapers.)

Even in this sorta flattering article they take a dig at Reagan, saying he wasn’t popular with black people because of his use of the term “welfare queens.”

Why would blacks who weren’t welfare queens take offense to that phrase?

Why would Mexicans who aren’t illegal aliens  take offense to that term?

Why would a German who isn’t a Nazi take offense to Nazis being called Nazis?


 The day President Reagan comforted a black family who had a KKK cross burned on its lawn.

ht/ illustr8r

7 Comments on The Day the RACIST REAGAN Visited a Family Who Had a Cross Burned On Their Lawn

  1. The despicable Washington Compost just can’t help taking this touching story and spinning it to a “Remember, Reagan Wanted Poor People To Die” narrative.
    Just ignore the facts that Reagan was always for civil rights, and helping people to overcome injustice, even way before he was involved in politics. Also, ignore the fact that the black middle class nearly doubled during his time in office, proving that all the yelling and marching is meaningless without greater economic opportunity.

  2. Read some of the comments in the Washington Post article if you want to confirm how prejudiced the readership of that paper is, because most of the commenters believe that President Reagan was really just a racist forerunner of President Trump. The identity of the man responsible for the KKK cross burning is quite interesting though.

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