The Day Trump Went to Capitol Hill To Tell Senators How To Be Competent – IOTW Report

The Day Trump Went to Capitol Hill To Tell Senators How To Be Competent

This is a great find by tipster TB.

This is Donald Trump marching onto Capitol Hill in 2005 and showing senators what leadership looks like. The topic was the rebuilding of the UN.

Trump went there to tell them how incompetently the project was being run. He pulled no punches and told them in great detail what was going wrong, exposed what was amounting to corruption and asked that he take over the project at no cost to them.

He gave examples of projects he had completed at 1/3rd the cost of what was being estimated.

When asked what he would do if he was in charge he gave this classic Trump answer:

“I have a dream. It won’t be realized, but you’re asking me, so this is it. I would erect the new UN at the site of the Twin Towers and sell off the property at the old UN site, which is prime real estate, one of the best in the world, and then you’d be rebuilding a new UN, not refurbishing an old UN, at zero cost. It’s going to be very tough to sell commercial leases at that site.”

One World Trade Center is still under 70% occupied.


(Look for Jeff Sessions’ comment about the UN being built on the site of the old World Trade Center. It’s a comment that would be in the news 24/7 for 2 weeks straight if he was Trump’s VP pick.)


The comment about putting Kofi Annan on the top floor of the Twin Towers, that was NY Senator Golden (R), who was sitting at witness table to Trump’s right.  I did note that Trump had the capacity to be “diplomatic” with a grin and let it slide.  Golden apologized later in the hearing, as he realized his witty comment went over like a lead balloon.

19 Comments on The Day Trump Went to Capitol Hill To Tell Senators How To Be Competent

  1. I was still listening to Hugh Hewitt then, who replayed it several times, and I remember this well. It was pretty damn good especially the part when Trump told them the renovation cost was preposterous and that they were getting ripped off.

  2. When the UN was established we wanted them here so we could spy on them effectively. Today, geography is irrelevant. We should kick these third world assholes and despots to the moon.

  3. Why Trump was wasting his breath in this talk:

    1. It’s not Congress’ money. They don’t care about the cost – they will just steal more taxpayer money and funnel the excess to their friends and contributors.

    2. Many Congress critters are failures in private life (assuming they had ever been in private life). They cannot understand what Trump is talking about.

    When Trump is elected President, this will likely be extremely frustrating for him. Politics is all about getting re-elected, lining your own pockets, taking care of friends, and getting re-elected. (I know, I repeated that last one. But it’s the most important). Spending taxpayer money wisely and considering the economics of anything just isn’t done, and is a completely foreign concept to many of these jackasses.

  4. I love listening to the shop talk about how the renovation is accomplished and the detail he went into. I love real estate renovation. And, boy, somebody is cutting a fat hog on their costs. $27M for an architect who walked?! Reeks of corruption. So glad Trump has been to Capitol Hill a few times for expert testimony on this and other financial issues. He’s neither stupid nor naive about how easy it is to pad the bids and the bill.

  5. That was a stroke of genius on Trumps part to move the UN to the world trade center location. He must have some inside scoop that there will be a second strike.

  6. Don’t forget that Alger Hiss, soviet spy in Roosevelt’s State Department, was instrumental in establishing the UN, and in developing it’s Charter. The organization was corrupt from it’s birth.

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