The Death of Political Enemies Just Seems To Magically Follow the Clintons, Doesn’t It? – IOTW Report

The Death of Political Enemies Just Seems To Magically Follow the Clintons, Doesn’t It?

Remember the process server that became a bit of a viral star because he took so much glee in serving the DNC papers informing them of a lawsuit? The papers charged the democrats with fraud and conspiring to ratf*ck Bernie Sanders out of the nomination. The server was Shawn Lucas, a reasonably young man.

Well, he’s dead.

When NM sent it in I thought it was probably some fake story from a conspiracy site.

Nope. Even the Ministry of Democrat Propaganda, Snopes, confirmed that this just happened.

Of course they build a strawman, saying that people falsely claimed that Lucas was the “top attorney” for the plaintiffs, therefore, when they debunk that, they fart in the entire story’s general direction and dismiss the death as much ado about nothing.

No, this is something.

Whether it’s murder, coincidence, voodoo dolls, a curse, whatever, these Clinton associated deaths have been mounting up for decades.

18 Comments on The Death of Political Enemies Just Seems To Magically Follow the Clintons, Doesn’t It?

  1. Rush was talking about these coincidences this week. How many people do you personally know that have been killed violently in your lifetime under mysterious circumstances?

    Compare that to a huge list of Clinton acquaintances who’ve mysteriously taken the dirt nap.

    We joke about the Clinton crime family.

    It’s no fucking joke.

    Cross them and it’s curtains for you.

  2. “Of course they build a strawman, saying that people falsely claimed that Lucas was the “top attorney” for the plaintiffs, therefore, when they debunk that, they fart in the entire story’s general direction and dismiss the death as much ado about nothing.”

    EXACTLY how Snopes operates. Maybe instead of “Strawman”, it should be “Sno-man”.

  3. Perhaps Julian Assange is going to leak proof of a Clinton hit list and/or damning information on all these odd coincidences.

    @ Brown Eyed Girl, just read the same thing.

    I’m shocking Bill and Kill’s doctors are still alive.

  4. I heard yesterday that Assange is waiting to drop the bomb sometime in October so that Clinton doesn’t have time to walk anything back. I’m praying that’s true.

  5. Let’s not forget Breitbart. Not saying it was Clinton but dems? These people are sick and their followers are worse. Got into a debate with a Hillary supporter and she could not answer any od my questions. Just said that I needed professional help. I checked out her facebook page and every post is about Trump! These people are lunatics and dangerous. I will not be engaging them again. She gave me the creeps. Really scares me that people are like this and believe it! God help us. How has this happened?

  6. FreedomCat – I too have seen closeup the inbred hatefulness and racism of Leftists.

    Unfortunately, I was recently in California visiting a friend. She took me to a barbecue that a husband & wife were having at their house. My friend begged me not to make any political comments and to avoid politics or social issues at all costs because she didnt want to alienate her friends. But later I happened to mention that I was from Florida but it had slowly gotten effed up over the years what with all the damn Yankees moving down there and importing their so-called values.

    The wife lowered her voice and dead-serious told me “it’s all those damned Jews from New York.” I couldn’t believe I’d heard her say that to a stranger like myself. But sure enough five minutes later she repeated it. I smiled at her, got up and said to her “The Jewish people are God’s chosen children. The rest of us have to find our way to Heaven thru His son, our saviour Jesus Christ. You’re despicable.” Then I left.

    p.s. I didn’t recycle – chucked every damn bottle in the garbage can

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