The Declassified “File 17” Puts Another Dink In the Bush Legacy – IOTW Report

The Declassified “File 17” Puts Another Dink In the Bush Legacy

Saudis were behind 9/11, and Bush covered it up to protect U.S. relations with “our ally.” That is the summary of a much longer story about the declassification of a 28 page chapter of a 9/11 report that Bush buried.

Not only did Bush make famous the myth that Islam is a “religion of peace,” he maintained that a Muslim country could be our ally. Bush spent our billions on eradicating the largely secular Hussein and diffused what should have been a singular laser focus on the religion of peace, even if it meant damaging relations with “our pals” Saudi Arabia.


An imam at the King Fahad Mosque in Culver City, California, al-Thumairy was suspected of helping two of the hijackers after they arrived in Los Angeles. He was an accredited diplomat at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Los Angeles from 1996 to 2003.

The 9/11 Commission said al-Thumairy reportedly led an extremist faction at the mosque. He has denied promoting jihad and told U.S. investigators that he never helped the hijackers.


A Saudi national who helped the two hijackers in California. Al-Bayoumi told investigators that he and another man drove to Los Angeles from San Diego so that he could address a visa issue and collect papers at the Saudi consulate. Afterward they went to the restaurant in Culver City where he heard the two hijackers speaking in what he recognized to be Gulf Arabic and struck up a conversation with them.

The hijackers told him they didn’t like Los Angeles, and al-Bayoumi invited them to move to San Diego. He helped them find and lease an apartment.

ht/ All Too Much

21 Comments on The Declassified “File 17” Puts Another Dink In the Bush Legacy

  1. Hey, it was just a few thousand American civilian lives. Not really a signifier in global finance. Besides, we can start up a new war and make billions for people here at home and abroad.

    You know, important people, the ones that bankroll political campaigns.

  2. Just wait until the shit hits the fan with this douche bag Obama… Why hasn’t ANYONE in the media asked him about his college transcripts in the last few years? I know he enrolled as a foreign exchange student and he checked muslim for Religion. Bank on it….

  3. That certainly makes for an ugly story. I can’t imagine how our Founders would feel about our current leaders. If they knew what would become of us they probably wouldn’t have bothered with a frivolous little revolution.

  4. JZ said, “Why hasn’t ANYONE in the media asked him about his college transcripts in the last few years?”

    The difference is that the left dominated media hated Bush and Obama/Jarrett have a Black Pass that allows him to get away with anything. He’s like green kryptonite to our Congress, they get weak kneed and start sweating whenever they even think about putting the brakes on the nightmare.

  5. If this report is accurate, then Bush needs to be put on trial for treason. Maybe that is why the establishment is scared to death of Trump. He isn’t owned by the Saudi’s like the houses of Clinton and Bush.

  6. We have a rabid Kenyan in the White Hut who stiffs our allies and is holding a match to world events, his Wookie is promoting homosexuality and abortion, Killary has violated the espionage act, and it’s still Bush’s fault.
    Fuck you.

  7. One concept speaks volumes about the Bushes…..Follow the money. You remember on Sept 11, there was only one jetliner allowed to fly in the USA..and it was the one Bush put to use for the Saudis to flee back to their desert kingdom. Figures. Of course they had NUDDIN to do with the terrorist attacks in NYC……nupe..sure didnt…/sarc off.

  8. “Just wait until the shit hits the fan with this douche bag Obama… Why hasn’t ANYONE in the media asked him about his college transcripts in the last few years?”

    Why hasn’t anyone in the media asked him how Noor Zahi Salman disappeared into the woodwork?

    This info has been out for a while. Why are we just now hearing abou Bush looking the other way to allow terrorist muslim criminals to escape, just three weeks after Obama apparently did the same?

    Is it so that Josh Earnest can swat down the Fox reporter who dares to ask who dropped the ball with Noor Zahi Salman?

    “Josh, some say the adminstration intentionally allowed Omar Mateen’s wife to disappear. Is there any truth to that speculation?”

    “Major, I’m going to have to refer you back to File 17. Bush did it first and worst.”

  9. OK answer this
    Would you rather have had 8 more years of president bush (george W)
    The current eight years of Obama.
    Me I would take George W>>>

    Ask this of the people who are tortured and convicted over electing Trump over Clinton.
    Of course there are levels of acceptability when challenged to make a decision.
    Here’s a less than artful way of putting it. (There are some that will have a problem of my description of Trump. But allow me the leeway to make my point.)

    I maintain Trump cannot possibly be considered “as bad” as Clinton.
    If Clinton is HIV, Trump is crabs.
    We have idiots in our party that seem to think we’ll just have to roll the dice with HIV because they don’t want crabs.

    Yes. It’s really that stupid.

  10. “Would you rather have had 8 more years of president bush (george W)
    The current eight years of Obama.”

    Honestly their performance at the end of the day wasn’t that much different. I’ve pissed off a couple lib aquantances by telling them Obama was Bush on steroids. Bush just made you feel better while he was fucking you. Big time North America Union guy. A true globalist. The NWO. Not really conservative views. We can do better.

  11. OK, Just Sayin’ (since false choices seems to be your thing) answer this,

    Would you rather have had sixteen years under Bush, or when The Supreme Court called off the first election we turned off the lights and sent Columbia home?

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