The Deep Church Within the Catholic Church – IOTW Report

The Deep Church Within the Catholic Church

Excerpt from OANN Interview with Carlo Maria Vigano

What role does religion play in (1) the coup, (2) the solution, or (3) both?

…just as in the State there is the deep state, [bold added for emphasis] so in the Church there is also a deep church. The deep church has made its own the globalist ideology, perhaps with the hope of being able to be a part of that Religion of Humanity that Freemasonry would like to establish. A human religion, indeed a satanic religion, in which idols and demons are admitted, but from which Our Lord Jesus Christ, the true God and only Savior, is banished. This is why the Bergoglian Church [Pope Francis] is ecumenical, inclusive, resilient, and ecological. This is why he promotes vaccines and sows panic about the pandemic. For this reason he is silent in the face of violations of human rights, the desecration of churches, the secularization of nations, the erasure of Catholic identity and Christian traditions from society. The deep state wants to destroy national sovereignty, the economy, business, justice, education, health and the entire social fabric: with this the rulers betray their people and maintain power through the establishment of a dictatorship. In the same way, the deep church wants to destroy the Church of Christ, leaving it the humanitarian trappings but depriving it of the soul, that is, of its Lord and God. In both cases we can recognize the work of the Devil, who hates God as the Creator of all the perfections of the world and at the same time as the Redeemer and Savior of mankind through the Sacrifice of His divine Son on the Cross.

The entire interview Here

15 Comments on The Deep Church Within the Catholic Church

  1. “The deep state wants to destroy national sovereignty, the economy, business, justice, education, health and the entire social fabric:”

    I don’t think “destroy” is accurate, more like re-engineer. All those things would still exist, but iterations that do not resemble the old ways, designed for a specific goal. “Social” justice, in loco parentis based education, socialized medicine, a more egalitarian economy based on equity (instead of merit-based prosperity) and instead of many nations, just one “humanity”.

  2. I’m not Catholic so I can’t speak to their maladies but from where I sit, a bigger problem is new age teachings infiltrating Chrisitan churches. Perverting select bible verses, spoon-fed to a congregation not versed in true biblical Christian teachings, this is where the real damage occurs.

  3. The deep church is a structure, a corporation with its own identity and life force. It wants to survive more than it wants the truth to be revealed or championed. A lot of clergy (hierarchy and parish level) have been in this system too long and got too comfortable to even contemplate the sort of challenges Archbishop Vigano voices. The Church, like most of us individuals, is quick to pass judgment on others but very slow to admit or reflect upon its own shortcomings –or even to converse with people/clergy who point them out.

    Vigano may not be right about everything, but he knows there is a lot wrong with the current coziness of the church with cultural, political, and business interests.

    I was shocked at the acquiescence of the church to close its doors, then vaccinate its priests, and now to tell us it is our moral duty to take the jab. We went from obligatory attendance in the pews to watching livestreamed and even recorded Mass over a cuppa coffee real fast. I’m taking my time to return. Doing more reading and listening all through the week now and kinda finding it easier to discern the truth from a hermit’s point of view.

  4. My diocese did not require the jab or consider it a moral duty. As for suspension of service the church has a policy of following the law so I never expected a push Bock from them there. I did switch to a church where the priests held the mask mandate in contempt as far as they could politely get away with it but it sure was an eye opener to see who wore the democrat maga hats and who held them in contempt

  5. @jpm (Mike Austin) — That line isn’t that clever. In my plain way, I’d say you’re kind of an ass. Go read a good book and save your vain erudition for someone who can look you in the eye while you’re holding forth.

  6. In my neighborhood there are Christians and Catholics.

    Catholics go to church Saturday night before their parties and mow grass on Sunday.

    We Christians don’t do either but don’t look anybody in the eye at the liquor store either.

    The pope is some foreign religious idiot who wears A funny hat and makes you kiss his ring and ass.

    Btw we don’t need anyone between us and God – we screw it up pretty good by ourselves.


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