The Democrat/CAIR partnership – IOTW Report

The Democrat/CAIR partnership

Caroline Glick: The US-brokered peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, which is scheduled to be finalized next week at the White House, strikes a major blow to the twin forces of Islamic imperialism and terror in the Middle East: the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood and the Shiite regime in Iran. The tripartite alliance between the US, Israel, and the UAE openly supported by Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco, gives an institutional structure to a pro-American regional bloc of moderate, anti-jihadist governments all with proven track records of action against the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran and their surrogates.

Based as it is on shared interests, the Israel-UAE alliance is likely to persevere in the years to come. But America’s continued participation in the alliance is significantly tied to the outcome of the presidential elections.

In 2014, the UAE published a list of 82 designated terrorist groups. Nestled between al-Qaida and ISIS was the Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR, a group with deep ties to the Democratic Party. more

6 Comments on The Democrat/CAIR partnership

  1. Not surprising since the dems are now parroting what muzzies have been saying/doing for centuries to gain ground – “give up without a fight or we will kill you” – while attacking you anyway.

  2. Their moto: Vote for us to destroy America, or we will destroy America!
    Biden is just their latest tool and useful idiot imbecile.
    Need to get this: 元 / ¥ into that diagram too.

  3. Just realized how this strategy resounds with the union (fable) rhetoric of strikes, work stoppages, slowdowns, and boycotts. Do it our way or else.

    Didn’t something that happened 243 years ago happen because of a group of thugs who thought they had a right to “lord” it over others to continue to maintain their status and standard of living?

    Maybe it’s time for a new American revolution to drain the swamp and reopen the hair salons, bars, restaurants, gyms, and Barber shops of this country again.


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