The Democrat Party Reportedly Received Half Its Donations from Unemployed Americans – IOTW Report

The Democrat Party Reportedly Received Half Its Donations from Unemployed Americans

Many Are Elderly Voters Whose Identities May Have Been Stolen – Where’s the Money Really Coming From?

GP: This report brings together corrupt and criminal actions by the Democrat Party ignored by the GOP, the mainstream media, and law enforcement. 

In 2020 millions were reportedly donated to BLM after George Floyd was killed.  At the same time, 20+ police were killed and American cities suffered nearly $2 billion in record damages following the George Floyd riots.

The Gateway Pundit was the first to report that ActBlue was raising money using BLM as its front group.  ActBlue is the Democrats’ funding apparatus.  We know this from our early reporting and from the fact that BLM later admitted this.  In 2022 Black Lives Matter announced in February 2022 that the organization was deactivating its fundraising pages on ActBlue.  This was after the Washington Examiner exposed that BLM was still accepting donations on the Democratic platform despite claiming it had stopped amid questions about its finances.

The Daily Caller confirmed that ActBlue was using BLM to raise money. BLM is not a recognized non-profit organization and nonprofit organization (Thousand Currents) said it provides ‘fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services’ to BLM.

Candice Owen reported on the BLM – ActBlue relationship and was targeted by a bogus fact-checker. Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch jumped in and stated that their findings confirmed what TGP and Candice Owen reported: more

13 Comments on The Democrat Party Reportedly Received Half Its Donations from Unemployed Americans

  1. Reminiscent of Cook County voters in 1960 -MANY OF THE DONORS HAVE BEEN DEAD FOR DECADES!
    It may be that “Dead men tell no tales>”; but they can vote and donate to the UNIPARTY!

  2. Some of those donors may actually be real.

    Just like the way that folks who lived in rent-controlled Multi-Unit Dwellings near my old house voted for property tax increases that they would never personally pay, unemployed people getting taxes taken from working men’s wages at gunpoint might be willing -or required- to kick a little back to their Democrat masters in between the political activites, riots, city burnings, and baby-making on willing and unwilling women, that their unemployed status leaves them endless time to indulge in, since having the government rob people at gunpoint on your behalf (less Pedo’s 10%) is a pretty good return on investment.

  3. WWIII is being waged against the US not by bombs and bullets but by the democrat party and all the crime, drugs, bad ideas, and perversion they are unleashing on all of us using their army of scumbags at all levels of society and in all professions.

    And our enemies were able to fight the war on the cheap with these assholes too.

  4. This why we need to go back to (most) of the old standards of being a qualified voter:
    =Own property/own a business/pay taxes – this gives you “skin in the game”.
    =NOT be on public dole/welfare/(section 8) housing. Can you say “conflict of interest”? I knew you could
    (and SocSec doesn’t count – if it’s something that you’ve paid into-even involuntarily-it ain’t welfare-you’re just getting back your own) (on the other hand, SSDI should be looked into as possible welfare)


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