The Democrat/Socialist Rising Star is Still Proving to Be an Idiot – IOTW Report

The Democrat/Socialist Rising Star is Still Proving to Be an Idiot

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says Unemployment Is Low ‘Because Everyone Has Two Jobs,’ Which Is Not How Unemployment Rates Work

“Capitalism has not always existed in the world and it will not always exist in the world.”


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex was roundly criticized on social media yesterday for supposedly botching a question about Israeli-Palestine relations during an interview with Firing Line‘s Margaret Hoover. But Ocasio-Cortez’s admission that she was “no expert on geopolitics” was much more satisfactory than her answer to a question about the unemployment rate, which she claimed was low merely “because everyone has two jobs.”

This is wrong for two reasons. First, people working multiple jobs has no distorting effect on the unemployment rate, which is calculated by taking the number of unemployed people and dividing it by the number of people in the labor force. The raw number of jobs being worked by Americans has no bearing on these numbers.

Second, everyone does not have two jobs. As Bloomberg View‘s Noah Smith points out, only about 5 percent of workers are moonlighting. This rate has actually dropped slightly over the last three decades.

Ocasio-Cortez continued: “Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week, and can barely feed their kids.” Again, the number of overtime hours Americans are working has no impact on the unemployment rate.


28 Comments on The Democrat/Socialist Rising Star is Still Proving to Be an Idiot

  1. This shrill screaming scrunt is a perfect example of why we do NOT want unvetted immigration.

    We already got enough liars and unhinged ill-informed snowflakes who think they are the smartest person in any room until proven wrong then out comes the name calling, screaming at the sky, and threats of violence while retreating to their safe spaces and crayons so do us all a favor and go back shitstainistan or whatever f*cked up place your drug dealers bought you from.

  2. This woman graduated from BOSTON UNIVERSITY with a degree in economics yet she has no idea that CAPITALISM has done more to raise the world out of poverty than any other economic system.

    At the start of the 19th century, 85% of the world lived in desperate poverty. Today less than 10% of the world live in desperate poverty.

    The greatest generator of poverty today is socialism. A hallmark of socialism is extreme wage inequality with most of the wealth controlled by a small politically connected few and the rest living in abject poverty.

    It is not a fluke that the richest person in Venezuela is Chavez’ daughter and that the once thriving middle class has been replaced with starving poor.

  3. Under socialism, you can work one job 40 to 60 hrs per week. Then you can do your other job, waiting in the food line 40 to 50 hrs a week. Your kids will starve, unless you live near a well stocked zoo.

  4. In the same vein as Yogi Berra’s “Nobody eats there anymore because it’s too crowded”
    We’ll soon have a reservoir of fractured syntax “Cortez-isms” -now with added leftist stupidity !

  5. Yes she’s an idiot but don’t underestimate the mass idiocy of the voting Left, to whom her idiocy does not matter. Obama, Biden and several other Democrats are also demonstrable idiots but look how they’ve been propelled to power. You’ve likely not seen the last of this woman. She’s an empty suit, a programmable made to order puppet just like Obama, but they rushed her on stage without his years of managed prep. They can still use her to great effect, though.

  6. The article states that 14% of the U.S. population is “food insecure.” Their definition, and slipperiness with words is masterful. They define food “security” as “access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life.” They don’t define “food insecurity.” They just use the term and then equate “food insecurity” with hungry. Americans are going “hungry.” But look at their definition! Access at “ALL TIMES.” “ENOUGH” food. “ACTIVE, HEALTHY” life. Note that these terms are not defined anywhere, but if you don’t agree with ALL of them, you are food insecure. Idiocy.

  7. doesn’t being a socialist automatically put you in the idiot category ?

    capitalism existed long before slavery, er I mean socialism did, you need capitalism before you need slaves to make money doing your work for you in a capitalist society.

  8. I’d bet that her imbecilities are totally lucid and reasonable to her followers.

    Ignorance feeds on ignorance.
    Al Gore is worth a half a $Billion because of ignorance. Not his, but the ignorance of a gullible public.
    Obola is worth some $40 Million because of the willful ignorance of his corruptions.
    The Clintons are worth $400 Millions because of the willful ignorance of the Media, the FBI, the DoJ, the AR State Police, the NPS, the CIA, the NSA, and the KGB.

    So, she doesn’t see her ignorance (and dis-ingenuity) as a deficit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Socialism is planned feudalism for the politically powerful.

    1. Attack the existing capitalist system as evil even though it has made you wealthy and powerful. Demand it be replaced by something more “fair” for “the lower class.”

    2. Meanwhile, exploit capitalism in every possible way, legally and illegally, to increase your personal wealth and power in advance of The Tipping Point. Purchase three large homes, for example, while attacking “the rich.” Ignore anyone pointing out your hypocrisy; they’ll be dealt with before long.

    3. Disarm the citizenry who will resist you. Do nothing to disarm those you can fool into giving your more power.

    4. Work toward The Tipping Point where enough people are fooled into demanding capitalism be done away with, and that YOU be the one to replace it with something better.

    5. If you’re smart and ruthless enough, you will have prepositioned yourself (steps 1-2) to be on top of the socialist food chain when the tipping point arrives. Step 3 will insulate you and make it very difficult for you to ever be removed from power.

    6. After the collapse comes, continue to profit from the bones of what’s left.

    7. When that’s exhausted, squeeze the lower class fools who put you into power.

  10. Why do people keep referring to her as a socialist?
    She’s clearly a communist, and a highly radical one at that. Listening to her talk, I wouldn’t be shocked to find out she believed in maoist ideals.

  11. Communism is a branch of socialism.
    As is National Socialism.
    As is Fascism (Italian Socialism).
    As is the Demonrat Party.
    As is the RINO Party.
    As is Progressivism.
    As is Green-ism.
    As is Environmentalism.
    As is Veg-ism.
    As is Democratic Socialism.
    As is Social Democratic-ism.
    As is Labour.
    As is Christian Democratic-ism.
    As is Leftism.
    As is Liberalism.
    Blah, blah, blah …

    Very few believe in Freedom and Liberty.

    This is the primary reason the “Left” abhors Constitutional-ism.

    Our Constitutional Republic is (was) the only Government on Earth that circumscribed the powers of Government and invested all (ALL) power in the people (the Sovereign).

    izlamo delenda est …


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