The Democrat Who Banned Guns in Chicago Had 23 Guns – IOTW Report

The Democrat Who Banned Guns in Chicago Had 23 Guns

FPM: “Bullets and booze don’t mix,” Alderman Edward Burke growled. Then the Chairman of the Finance Committee vowed to fight the NRA. He had spent much of his 50 years in power fighting for gun control. And the man dubbed “Alderman-for-Life”, whose wife who sat on the Illinois Supreme Court, had the heft.

Five years ago, Chicago had lost yet another of its serial gun control battles. But Burke and the Democrat machine were vowing to go on fighting with more laws attempting to restrict the Second Amendment.

Burke, an Obama and Blagojevich ally, and the godfather of Chicago politics (dubbed its real mayor), hated and loved guns at the same time. He had nearly as many guns as he had gun control bills. When the FBI raided the offices of the powerful Chicago Democrat, they found 23 guns. That’s a lot of guns for one man. Especially for a man who had worked hard to ban handguns in Chicago.  more here

14 Comments on The Democrat Who Banned Guns in Chicago Had 23 Guns

  1. Better yet, Chicago aldermen need not go through any certification like the common people that they lost the lawsuit to on with concealed carry and had to start allowing the peasants their rights five years ago. Prior to that they were and still are allowed to carry without any vetting or training.

    Note that “Dorothy the Hat” even brandished her nickel plated snub nosed revolver during one of the city council meetings.

  2. We say “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”

    They say “gun control” instead of what they mean: “people control” (meaning us).

    If/when they come for mine, they’ll be very sorry.


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