The “democratic socialist” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez likes to pretend she’s had a hardscrabble upbringing – IOTW Report

The “democratic socialist” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez likes to pretend she’s had a hardscrabble upbringing

The democratic socialist that just ousted the establishment democrat congressman from New York, Joe Crowley, tries to project herself as having a hard luck life. She often talks her dad being from the South Bronx, one of the worst places to live in New York City, as if somehow this is a shared experience. (Sort of how current blacks pretend they were slaves.) This is designed to give her some sort of street cred for her bio.

“I was born in a place where your Zip code determines your destiny,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

I was born in an elevator, but I didn’t grow up in one. Turns out Alexandria grew up in Yorktown Heights in Westchester County, NY. Her dad was an architect.

I’ve known cops that transfer out of Yorktown because they say there is only so much sleep a policeman can endure in a day. It’s not a hard luck life in Yorktown. It’s solidly middle class.

Her bio matters very little to me, but it obviously matters very much to her, for whatever reason.

She shouldn’t start her “career” like Fauxcahontas.



18 Comments on The “democratic socialist” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez likes to pretend she’s had a hardscrabble upbringing

  1. Doesn’t matter one iota to the lofo’s….They think burnie’s

    stickin it to the Man…and hilldog lost because of racism…

    We’re dealing with a particularly stubborn amount of stupidity.

  2. Remember the line “I was born a poor black child” in the movie The Jerk was funny because of the ridiculousness?
    Freakin left ruin everything.

  3. Well she has proven that she is just like Bernie Sanders. In politics so she doesn’t have to work at a real job to get rich. She can suck up to lobbyists, etc and make a million + per year just like Bernie.

  4. This goes to show just how desperate the demorat extremists are for something to root for This broad beat a fellow leftist with the same exact positions as hers. Yet just one day after the primary, the general is still months off, they are slobbering and parading her all over the place as if she is their savior. They dont know a thing about her, nobody knows who she is or anything about her, but she fits the victim role they are desperately looking for. Im pretty sure as more info comes out on her background and privilege she will almost certainly implode and fall on her face. I am predicting she is going to flame out and become irrelevant at the same pace as David Hogg.

  5. 10465 then 10475, those are my former BRONX zips.

    The second one is when Co-op City was built. They gave it its own zip.

    I left the Bronx when I was…28 when I got married to my Senior Commander also from the Bronx.

    “Until age five, Ocasio-Cortez lived with her family in an apartment in the planned community of Parkchester. Her architect father then moved the family to a house in Yorktown Heights, an affluent suburb in Westchester County, where she would live until she left home to attend college.”

    The educated father architect did not want his little girl growing up in a place HE knew what a shithole.

    The first white flight was from the Grand Concourse in the mid 60’s.

    The second one was from the Bronx in the 70’s.

    This is an example of Puuuuuuerto Riiiican flight.. a la 90’s.

    They left El Bronx en ’94. When her newly crowned princess was five years old.

    My own father’s parents lived in Parkchester in the 50’s when it opened….the joke in the 80’s was that it had become Darkchester.

    DO not underestimate this woman.

    Being from the Bronx myself I could make mince meat of this leftist.

    SHE is doing an Obama, trying to community organize…

    SHE might be born in da Bronx, but she is hardly of the Bronx.

    JUST like Hussein being from Chicago.

    @ BFH – I know Yorktown Heights well, full of businessmen building contractors and tradesman.

    But also filled with Soccer Moms.

    Rob Astorino was voted OUT for County Exec recently. Rob also was defeated by Il Supremo Andrew for governorship but Rob won 85% of NY counties.

    Effed up!


  6. Well, I’ll bet she had a five digit zip code to determine her destiny. My family was so backward we only had a four digit zip code, and Destiny was the name of the best looking stripper in our town.

    Hey, if this loon wants to turn her fake backstory into a contest, we can spin this into a Monty Python sketch all day long.

  7. Can people be fired from guaranteed government jobs?
    If so, what then? If not, are you stupid enough to think anyone with one will ever work?
    Are you one of the “right leaders” who will make Marxism work this time?

    I have so many questions about these fresh new ideas.

  8. By supporting and pushing “no borders” and abolishing ICE, the demorats are knocking themselves out of office, and out of the hearts of the majority of Americans. I suspect, unless the trajectory drastically changes somehow for Trump, we will have a Trump landslide in 2020.

    A country with no borders is total loser proposition.


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