The Democrats’ Endorsement of Mobs May Prove Costly – IOTW Report

The Democrats’ Endorsement of Mobs May Prove Costly


Many progressive organizations have supported the ongoing riots.  New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spurred protestors to “grow in courage, strength and strategy” and that those in “the streets to the Senate” should take on the fight that could determine the fate of the US Supreme Court for generations.

Progressive writers and academics have urged more “in your face” actions if Republicans press ahead with plans to appoint a new Supreme Court judge before the election. Former CNN  host Reza Aslan tweeted: “If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire f***ing thing  down.” Does this kind of mob violence have a place in American history?

At the end of the American Revolution, the newly formed government found just how hard  it was to control the mob they once urged on in battle. The Shays Rebellion in 1786 was a  response from many who had fought the British for American independence, only to find the new government taxes unbearable. These battle-trained men picked up their arms again, not to fight  the British but the system they had recently put in power. The government that years before had  seen these men as heroes now found they needed protection from the men they had trained.

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3 Comments on The Democrats’ Endorsement of Mobs May Prove Costly

  1. AOC and Markey figure HUGE in these organized rioting and looting groups. These are not just adults out there. These left-radicals have infiltrated the junior high and high schools as well (see video link in previous thread). What are you going to do when you are staring down a punk kid who hasn’t hit puberty yet, and he is pointing a gun at you? More important, what happens when the democrats lose control of this mess they have created?


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